REFERENCE LIST: Publications of the 'Cosmic Ray' group

1 Houtermans, F. G., and M. Teucher (1957), Die Bedeutung der Forschungsstation auf dem Jungfraujoch für die Erforschung der kosmischen Strahlung, Experientia Supplementum, VI, 33.

2 Debrunner, H. (1957), Aufbau einer Neutronenzählapparatur zur Registrierung der Nukleonenkomponente der kosmischen Strahlung, Lizentiatsarbeit, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

3 Debrunner, H., F. G. Houtermans, and W. Lindt (1960), La Périodicité Solaire Diurne du Rayonnement Cosmique, Extrait des Archives des Sciences, Genève, 13, 142.

4 Debrunner, H., and F. G. Houtermans (1960), Correlation between Forbush Decreases of Cosmic Radiation and Satellite Drag, paper presented at Proceedings of the 1st International Space Science Symposium, Nice, January 11-16, 1960, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam.

5 Houtermans, F. G., H. Debrunner, and W. Lindt (1960), Registrierung der Nukleonenkomponente der kosmischen Strahlung am Jungfraujoch, Helv. Phys. Acta, 33, 597.

6 Debrunner, H. (1960), Registrierung der Nukleonenkomponente der kosmischen Strahlung mittels eines "Simpson Neutron Monitoring Pile" auf Jungfraujoch und Analyse der Messresultate vom 1.10.1958 - 29.7.1959, Inauguraldissertation, Universität Bern.

7 Debrunner, H., F. G. Houtermans, and W. Lindt (1960), Der plötzliche, kurzzeitige Anstieg der kosmischen Strahlung vom 4. Mai 1960 nach der Registrierung der Nukleonenkomponente am Jungfraujoch, Helv. Phys. Acta, 33, 706.

8 Debrunner, H., and F. G. Houtermans (1962), Die Tagesschwankungen der Nukleonenkomponente der kosmischen Strahlung am Jungfraujoch, Helv. Phys. Acta, 35, 137.

9 Debrunner, H. (1962), Registrierung der Nukleonenkomponente der kosmischen Strahlung mittels eines "Simpson Neutron Monitoring Pile" auf Jungfraujoch, gekürzte Fassung der Inauguraldissertation, Universität Bern.

10 Jost, P. (1966), Korrelation zwischen der Tagesschwankung der Nukleonenkomponente der kosmischen Strahlung und den erdmagnetischen Störungen, Inauguraldissertation, Universität Bern.

11 Åström, K. (1966), Calculation of the μ-meson Spectrum Expected in the Zenith Direction at Sea Level, in Arkiv för Fysik, Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien, edited, Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm.

12 Schläppi, M. (1967), Automatisierung der Registrieranlage für kosmische Strahlung am Jungfraujoch, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 18, 613.

13 Debrunner, H., and E. Å. Brunberg (1968), Monte Carlo Calculation of the Nucleonic Cascade in the Atmosphere, Canadian Journal of Physics, 46, 1069.

14 Debrunner, H., and U. Walther (1968), Multiplicity Measurements on the IGY-Neutron Monitor at Jungfraujoch, Canadian Journal of Physics, 46, 1140.

15 Walther, U. (1967), Multiplizitätsmessungen am IGY-Neutronenmonitor auf Jungfraujoch, Lizentiatsarbeit, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

16 Jost, P., and H. Debrunner (1968), Zur Analyse der Tagesschwankung der kosmischen Strahlung, Helv. Phys. Acta, 41, 327.

17 Jost, P. (1968), Korrelation zwischen der Tagesschwankung der Nukleonenkomponente der kosmischen Strahlung und den erdmagnetischen Störungen, gekürzte Fassung der Inauguraldissertation, Universität Bern.

18 Debrunner, H. (1968), Monte Carlo Berechnung der Nukleonenkaskade in der Atmosphäre und ihr Vergleich mit experimentellen Ergebnissen, Habilitationsschrift, Universität Bern.

19 Debrunner, H. (1968), High Energy Studies in Cosmic Radiation and Space Research, LectureRep., Ecole Internationale de la Physique des Particules Elémentaires, Herceg Novi, Yougoslavie.

20 Debrunner, H., and M. Schläppi (1969), Einfluss der Myonen-Komponente auf IGY-Neutronenmonitor-Messungen, Helv. Phys. Acta, 42, 637.

21 Debrunner, H., and M. Schläppi (1969), Calculated Barometric Coefficients of the Nucleonic Cosmic Radiation in the Atmosphere, Interner BerichtRep., Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

22 Walther, U., and H. Debrunner (1969), Die Diffusion der Verdampfungsneutronen im IGY-Neutronenmonitor, Helv. Phys. Acta, 42, 633.

23 Debrunner, H., and E. Flückiger (1970), Calculation of the Multiplicity Yield Function of Neutron Monitors, paper presented at 11th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1969, Budapest.

24 Schläppi, M. (1969), Entwicklung einer automatischen, digitalisierten Datenausgabe für den IGY-Neutronenmonitor am Jungfraujoch und Einfluss der Myonen-Komponente auf Neutronenmonitor-Messungen, Inauguraldissertation, Universität Bern.

25 Flückiger, E. (1970), Aufbau einer kontinuierlichen Datenausgabe für den IGY-Neutronenmonitor am Jungfraujoch und Berechnung der Multiplizitäts-Ausbeutefunktion verschiedener Neutronenmonitore, Lizentiatsarbeit, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

26 Debrunner, H., and E. Flückiger (1970), Berechnung der Multiplizitäts-Ausbeutefunktion des IGY-Neutronenmonitors, Helv. Phys. Acta, 43, 509.

27 Debrunner, H., and E. Flückiger (1971), Calculation of the Multiplicity Yield Function of the IGY-Neutron Monitor, Helv. Phys. Acta, 44, 241.

28 Bolli, W. (1971), Zur Temperaturabhängigkeit der Myonen-Komponente, Lizentiatsarbeit, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

29 Debrunner, H., and E. Flückiger (1971), Calculation of the Multiplicity Yield Function of the NM-64 Neutron Monitor, paper presented at 12th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hobart, Australia.

30 Born, E. (1971), Registrierung der kosmischen Strahlung mittels IGY-Neutronenmonitor auf Jungfraujoch 1969/1970, Lizentiatsarbeit, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

31 Debrunner, H., and E. Flückiger (1972), Die Winkelabhängigkeit der Nukleonenkomponente der kosmischen Strahlung, Helv. Phys. Acta, 45, 939.

32 Bolli, W., and H. Debrunner (1972), Zur Temperaturabhängigkeit der Müonen-Komponente der kosmischen Strahlung, Helv. Phys. Acta, 45, 941.

33 Born, E. (1972), Statistische Eigenschaften der Registrierungen von Neutronenmonitoren, Helv. Phys. Acta, 45, 951.

34 Flückiger, E. (1973), Zur Ausbeutefunktion von Neutronenmonitoren, Inauguraldissertation, Universität Bern.

35 Debrunner, H., and E. Flückiger (1973), Concerning the Multiplicity Yield Function of the NM-64 Neutron Monitor, paper presented at 13th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Denver.

36 Debrunner, H., E. Flückiger, M. Arens, J. Skolnik, and O. Binder (1973), Search for Cutoff Variations at Mid-Latitude Stations, paper presented at 13th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Denver.

37 Debrunner, H., and E. Flückiger (1974), Monte Carlo Berechnung der sekundären Protonen- und Neutronenspektren der kosmischen Strahlung in der Atmosphäre, Helv. Phys. Acta, 47, 457.

38 Debrunner, H., E. Flückiger, and J. Keller (1974), Korrekturen für Koinzidenzen und Totzeiteffekte bei der Registrierung statistischer Impulsgruppen, Helv. Phys. Acta, 47, 463.

39 Keller, J. (1974), Aufbau eines speziellen Multiplizitätsneutronenmonitors, Lizentiatsarbeit, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

40 Keller, J., and H. Debrunner (1975), Aufbau eines speziellen Multiplizitätsneutronenmonitors, Helv. Phys. Acta, 48, 504.

41 Mini, R., H. Debrunner, and E. Flückiger (1975), Zur Luftdruckkorrektur der Neutronenmonitorregistrierungen der kosmischen Strahlung auf Jungfraujoch, Helv. Phys. Acta, 48, 495.

42 Born, E., H. Debrunner, and E. Flückiger (1975), Zur Analyse von Okkultationsmessungen in der Röntgenastronomie, Helv. Phys. Acta, 48, 500.

43 Flückiger, E., H. Debrunner, M. Arens, and O. Binder (1975), Cutoff Rigidity Variations of European Mid-Latitude Stations during the September 1974 Forbush Decrease, paper presented at 14th International Cosmic Ray Conference, München.

44 Born, E. (1975), Zur Analyse der Neutronenmonitor-Registrierungen auf Jungfraujoch und Diskussionen der experimentellen Ergebnisse über die kosmische Röntgenstrahlung; Inauguraldissertation, Universität Bern.

45 Bolli, W. (1976), Entwicklungsarbeiten an einem mit Vieldrahtzählern aufgebauten Müonenteleskop; Inauguraldissertation, Universität Bern.

46 Mini, R. (1976), Analysen der kosmischen Strahlungsregistrierungen auf Jungfraujoch für die Jahre 1973/74, Lizentiatsarbeit, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

47 Flückiger, E. (1976), Monte Carlo Simulationen der Nukleonenkaskade der kosmischen Strahlung in der Atmosphäre, Helv. Phys. Acta, 49, 743.

48 Debrunner, H., and E. Flückiger (1976), Die Variation der geomagnetischen Grenzsteifigkeiten für kosmische Strahlung vom 1.4.1973 über Europa, Helv. Phys. Acta, 49, 749.

49 Keller, J. (1976), Zur Entwicklung eines energieauflösenden Neutronenmonitors, Inauguraldissertation, Universität Bern.

50 Flückiger, E. (1976), Ein Programmsystem zur Beschreibung der Wechselwirkung zwischen hochenergetischen Nukleonen und Materie und seine Anwendung bei kosmischen StrahlungsuntersuchungenRep., Arbeit für den Preis 1976 der Phil.-nat. Fakultät der Universität Bern.

51 Born, E., H. Debrunner, and E. Flückiger (1977), Neutron Monitor Data of Jungfraujoch for the Period 20.3. - 10.4.1976, in UAG Report, WDC A, edited, p. 211.

52 Keller, J. (1977), Bestimmung der mittleren Lebensdauer thermischer Neutronen im Multiplizitätsneutronenmonitor, Helv. Phys. Acta, 50, 644.

53 Flückiger, E. (1977), Theoretische Protonenspektren der kosmischen Strahlung in atmosphärischen Tiefen 650 g cm-2 < h < 1033 g cm-2, Helv. Phys. Acta, 50, 633.

54 Flückiger, E. (1977), Theoretical Spectra of Cosmic Ray Neutrons in the Atmosphere for the Energy Range 50 MeV < E < 100 GeV, paper presented at 15th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Plovdiv, Bulgarien.

55 Debrunner, H., and E. Flückiger (1977), On the Cutoff Variations during the Magnetic Disturbancies of 30.3.-3.4.1973 and 13.-18.9.1974, paper presented at 15th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Plovdiv, Bulgarien.

56 Raubenheimer, B. C., and E. Flückiger (1977), Response Functions of a Modified NM-64 Neutron Monitor, paper presented at 15th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Plovdiv, Bulgarien.

57 Debrunner, H. (1977), Geomagnetic and Atmospheric Effects, Rapporteur Paper, paper presented at 15th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Plovdiv, Bulgarien.

58 Debrunner, H. (1977), Arbeitsbericht 1975 - 1977 der Gruppe kosmische Strahlung des Physikalischen Instituts der Universität Bern, Interner Bericht für den Schweizerischen NationalfondsRep., Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

59 Flückiger, E. (1978), Theoretische Protonenspektren der kosmischen Strahlung in atmosphärischen Tiefen 40 g cm-2 < h < 360 g cm-2, Helv. Phys. Acta, 51, 496.

60 Born, E., H. Debrunner, E. Flückiger, and P. Zgraggen (1982), Neutron Monitor Data of Jungfraujoch for 1977 September 7-24 and 1977 November 22, in UAG Report, WDC A, edited, pp. Part I, 244.

61 Debrunner, H. (1978), Optimization of Lunar Occultations for Determining the Position of Point-like X-Ray Sources, Report to COSPAR by the Committee on Space Research of the Swiss Academy of Sciences, Space Research in Switzerland 1977 Rep.

62 Born, E., H. Debrunner, E. Flückiger, and P. Zgraggen (1978), Neutron Monitor Data on Jungfraujoch for the Ground Level Event on May 7, 1978, Spezielle Datenveröffentlichung; Beilage zu den Datenbüchern "IGY-Neutronenmonitor Jungfraujoch, 1.1.-30.6.1978" Rep., Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

63 Debrunner, H., E. Flückiger, H. von Mandach, and M. Arens (1979), Determination of the Ring Current Radii from Cosmic Ray Neutron Monitor Data for the December 17, 1971 Magnetic Storm, Planet. Space Sci., 27, 577.

64 Flückiger, E., and H. Debrunner (1979), Zum Magnetfeld partieller magnetosphärischer Stromsysteme, Helv. Phys. Acta, 52, 400.

65 Born, E., and H. Debrunner (1979), Optimization of Lunar Occultations for Determining the Positions of Point-like X-Ray Sources, Astrophysics and Space Science, 63, 457.

66 Born, E. (1979), On the Analysis of Lunar Occultations of Point-like X-Ray Sources, Astrophysics and Space Science, 63, 439.

67 Flückiger, E., H. Debrunner, D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1979), Calculations of Changes in Cosmic Ray Cutoff Rigidities due to a Partial Ring Current System in the Magnetosphere, paper presented at 16th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Kyoto, Japan.

68 Debrunner, H., and J. A. Lockwood (1979), On the Analysis of Neutron Monitor Data for the Solar Cosmic Ray Event on May 7, 1978, paper presented at 16th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Kyoto, Japan.

69 Shea, M. A., et al. (1979), The Ground-Level Relativistic Solar Proton Event of May 7, 1978, A composite Report, paper presented at 16th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Kyoto, Japan.

70 Debrunner, H., and J. A. Lockwood (1979), The Spatial Anisotropy, Rigidity Spectrum, and Propagation Characteristics of the Relativistic Solar Particles during the Event on May 7, 1978, paper presented at 16th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Kyoto, Japan.

71 Flückiger, E., H. Debrunner, D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1979), Theoretical Study of the Effects of a Partial Ring Current in the Magnetosphere on Cosmic Ray Cutoffs (Abstract), paper presented at IAGA Meeting, Australien.

72 Debrunner, H., and J. A. Lockwood (1980), The Spatial Anisotropy, Rigidity Spectrum, and Propagation Characteristics of the Relativistic Solar Particles during the Event on May 7, 1978, J. Geophys. Res., 85, 6853.

73 Debrunner, H., and E. Flückiger (1980), Three Years Progress Report 1978 - 1980, Interner Bericht für den Schweizerischen NationalfondsRep., Cosmic Ray Group, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

74 Raubenheimer, B. C., E. Flückiger, C. F. W. Mischke, and M. S. Potgieter (1980), Comparison between the Experimental and Theoretical Responses of Neutron Monitors, S. Afr. J. Phys., 3, 2935.

75 Debrunner, H., and E. Flückiger (1980), Long Range Scientific Program 1981 - 83, Interner Bericht für den Schweizerischen NationalfondsRep., Cosmic Ray Group, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

76 F.Golliez (1980), Aufbau eines Macamac-Systems zur Steuerung des IGY-Neutronenmonitors auf Jungfraujoch, Lizentiatsarbeit, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

77 Debrunner, H., H. Neuenschwander, A. F. Wagner, and J. A. Lockwood (1981), A Description of Relativistic Solar Particle Propagation, paper presented at 17th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Paris, France.

78 Flückiger, E. O., D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1981), On the Significance of Cosmic Ray Measurements as an Additional Tool in the Study of the Partial Ring Current (Abstract).

79 Flückiger, E. O., D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1981), On the Determination of Changes in Low and Midlatitude Cosmic Ray Cutoff Rigidities during Magnetic Storms Based on Measurements of the Surface Magnetic Field (Abstract).

80 Flückiger, E., D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1981), On the Effect of Magnetospheric Current Systems on Cosmic Ray Cutoff Rigidities, paper presented at 17th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Paris, France.

81 Lockwood, J. A., H. Debrunner, E. Flückiger, H. Neuenschwander, and M. Schubnell (1982), A Model of Propagation of Solar Flare Particles and its Application to Cosmic Ray Ground Level Events, J. Geophys. Res., 87, 4338.

82 Flückiger, E. O., D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1982), On the Changes in the Asymptotic Directions of Cosmic Ray Particles during Geomagnetic Storms (Abstract), paper presented at 1982 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.

83 Debrunner, H., E. O. Flückiger, D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1982), What can Cosmic Rays tell us about Current Systems in the Magnetosphere? (Abstract), paper presented at 1982 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.

84 Flückiger, E. (1982), Effects of Asymmetric Magnetospheric Currents on Cosmic Radiation, Special Report Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Hanscom AFB, MA 01731; AFGL-TR-82-0177Rep.

85 Flückiger, E., D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1983), Procedure for Estimating the Change in Asymptotic Directions at a Mid-Latitude Cosmic Ray Station Resulting from a Local Change in Cosmic Ray Cutoff Rigidity, paper presented at 18th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Bangalore, India.

86 Flückiger, E., D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1983), The Effect of Geomagnetic Disturbances on the Response of a Ground-Based Neutron Monitor during an Anisotropic Solar Cosmic Ray Event, paper presented at 18th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Bangalore, India.

87 Debrunner, H., E. Flückiger, F. Golliez, H. Neuenschwander, M. Schubnell, and G. Sebor (1983), Unusual Periodicities in the Cosmic Ray Intensity during the Forbush decrease of July 13/14, 1982, paper presented at 18th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Bangalore, India.

88 Lockwood, J. A., and H. Debrunner (1983), Spatial Distribution of the Solar Particles during the 7 May 1978 Flare, paper presented at 18th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Bangalore, India.

89 Chupp, E. L., D. J. Forrest, G. H. Share, G. Kanbach, H. Debrunner, and E. Flückiger (1983), Solar Neutrons from the Impulsive Flare on 1982 June 3 at 1143 UT, paper presented at 18th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Bangalore, India.

90 Neuenschwander, H. (1983), Zu den solaren kosmischen Strahlungsereignissen vom 15.11.1960, 22.11.1977 und 7.5.1978, Lizentiatsarbeit, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

91 Flückiger, E. O., D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1983), The Effect of Local Perturbations of the Geomagnetic Field on Cosmic Ray Cutoff Rigidities at Jungfraujoch and Kiel, J. Geophys. Res., 88, 6961.

92 Flückiger, E. O., D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1983), Changes in Asymptotic Directions for Various Geomagnetic Storm Conditions, paper presented at 18th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Bangalore, India.

93 Debrunner, H., E. Flückiger, H. Neuenschwander, M. Schubnell, and J. A. Lockwood (1983), Comparison of the Energy Spectra and Pitch Angle Distributions for Solar Particle Events, paper presented at 18th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Bangalore, India.

94 Debrunner, H., E. Flückiger, E. L. Chupp, and D. J. Forrest (1983), The Solar Cosmic Ray Neutron Event on June 3, 1982, paper presented at 18th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Bangalore, India.

95 Schubnell, M. (1984), Geheimnisvolle Strahlung aus dem All, edited.

96 Debrunner, H., E. Flückiger, J. A. Lockwood, and R. E. McGuire (1984), Comparison of the Solar Cosmic Ray Events on May 7, 1978 and November 22, 1977, J. Geophys. Res., 89, 769.

97 Flückiger, E. O., D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1984), Calculation of Changes in Cosmic Ray Cutoff Rigidities and Asymptotic Directions during Geomagnetic Storms (Abstract), paper presented at 1984 Spring Meeting, American Geophysical Union, Cincinnati, Ohio.

98 Chupp, E. L., D. J. Forrest, G. Kanbach, G. H. Share, H. Debrunner, E. Flückiger, and M. Schubnell (1984), Observation of Solar Flare Neutrons at the Earth (Abstract), paper presented at XXVth COSPAR Meeting, Symposium on Solar Maximum Analysis, June 25 - July 7, 1984, Graz, Austria.

99 Lockwood, J. A., and H. Debrunner (1984), Spatial Distribution of the Solar Protons during the 7 May 1978 Solar Flare Event (Abstract), paper presented at 9th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, August 20 - 25, 1984, Kosice, Czechoslovakia.

100 Debrunner, H., E. O. Flückiger, E. L. Chupp, and D. J. Forrest (1984), On the Response of the Neutron Monitor at Jungfraujoch to the Solar Flare Neutron Event on June 3, 1982 (Abstract), paper presented at 9th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, August 20 - 25, 1984, Kosice, Czechoslovakia.

101 Debrunner, H., and E. Flückiger (1984), Progress Report for the Years 1980 - 1983, Interner Bericht für den Schweizerischen NationalfondsRep., Cosmic Ray Group, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

102 Debrunner, H., and E. Flückiger (1984), Long Range Scientific Program 1985 - 1987, Interner Bericht für den Schweizerischen NationalfondsRep., Cosmic Ray Group, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

103 Flückiger, E. (1984), Erde im Teilchenhagel, in UNIPRESS (Berichte über Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern), edited, p. 28.

104 Lockwood, J. A., and H. Debrunner (1985), Energetic Solar Particle Fluxes out to 3 AU during the May 7, 1978 Flare Event, paper presented at 19th International Cosmic Ray Conference, La Jolla, California.

105 Debrunner, H., E. Flückiger, J. A. Lockwood, and R. E. McGuire (1985), Some Characteristics of the Solar Flare Event of February 16, 1984, paper presented at 19th International Cosmic Ray Conference, La Jolla, California.

106 E.L.Chupp, D. J. Forrest, W. T. Vestrand, H. Debrunner, E. Flückiger, J. F. Cooper, G. Kanbach, C. Reppin, and G. H. Share (1985), Time Extended Production of Neutrons during a Solar Flare, paper presented at 19th International Cosmic Ray Conference, La Jolla, California.

107 Flückiger, E. O., D. F. Smart, M. A. Shea, L. C. Gentile, and A. A. Bathurst (1985), Estimating the Change in Asymptotic Direction due to Secular Changes in the Geomagnetic Field, paper presented at 19th International Cosmic Ray Conference, La Jolla, California.

108 Flückiger, E. O. (1985), Forbush Decreases, Geomagnetic and Atmospheric Effects, Cosmogenic Nuclides (Rapporteur Paper), paper presented at 19th International Cosmic Ray Conference, La Jolla, California.

109 Scuntaro, W. (1985), Entwicklung einer automatischen Barometerkorrektur für die kontinuierliche Datenausgabe des IGY-Neutronenmonitors auf Jungfraujoch und Bestimmung der magnetosphaerischen Stromsysteme für den magnetischen Sturm vom 17. - 18. Dezember 1971, Lizentiatsarbeit, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

110 Flückiger, E. O. (1985), Effects of Magnetospheric Currents on Cosmic Rays (Invited Paper), paper presented at 9th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, August 20 - 25, 1984, Kosice, Czechoslovakia.

111 Debrunner, H., E. Flückiger, F. Golliez, M. Schubnell, and G. Sebor (1985), Zum solaren Neutronenereignis vom 3. Juni 1982 (Abstract), paper presented at Tagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Fribourg.

112 Flückiger, E., and W. Scuntaro (1985), Kosmische Strahlungsmessungen als Mittel zur Untersuchung magnetosphärischer Stromsysteme (Abstract), paper presented at Tagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Fribourg.

113 Debrunner, H., E. Flückiger, H. Neuenschwander, W. Scuntaro, and J. A. Lockwood (1986), On the Modulation of Cosmic Rays by Interplanetary Shocks (Abstract), paper presented at 10th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, August 25 - 29, 1986, Bordeaux-Lac, France.

114 Debrunner, H., and J. A. Lockwood (1986), Injection Characteristics of the Solar Protons during the Event on May 7, 1978 (Abstract), paper presented at 10th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, August 25 - 29, 1986, Bordeaux-Lac, France.

115 Debrunner, H., E. Flückiger, H. Grädel, and J. A. Lockwood. (1986), The Rigidity Spectrum and Anisotropy of the Solar Protons during the GLE on February 16, 1984 (Abstract), paper presented at 10th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, August 25 - 29, 1986, Bordeaux-Lac, France.

116 Flückiger, E., and W. Scuntaro (1986), Cosmic Ray Measurements at Jungfraujoch and Kiel as a Tool for Determining the Strength of the Ring and the Magnetopause Currents (Abstract), paper presented at 10th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, August 25 - 29, 1986, Bordeaux-Lac, France.

117 Flückiger, E. O., D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1986), A Procedure for Estimating the Changes in Cosmic Ray Cutoff Rigidities and Asymptotic Directions at Low and Middle Latitudes During Periods of Enhanced Geomagnetic Activity, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 7925.

118 Smart, D. F., M. A. Shea, E. O. Flückiger, and L. C. Gentile (1986), On the Correlation between Asymptotic Directions of Cosmic Ray Particles and Cutoff Rigidities in the Evolving Geomagnetic Field (Abstract), paper presented at 1986 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.

119 Flückiger, E. O., W. Scuntaro, D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1986), Determining the Strength of the Ring and the Magnetopause Currents during the Initial Phase of a Geomagnetic Storm using Cosmic Ray Data (Abstract), paper presented at 1986 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.

120 Neuenschwander, H., H. Debrunner, and E. Flückiger (1986), Zur Modulation der solaren kosmischen Strahlung durch interplanetare Schocks (Abstract), paper presented at Tagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Neuenburg.

121 Flückiger, E. (1987), Zu den Veränderungen der Grenzsteifigkeiten für kosmische Strahlung während der Anfangsphase von geomagnetischen Stürmen (Abstract), paper presented at Tagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 18.-20.03.1987, Zürich.

122 Flückiger, E., R. Bütikofer, H. Debrunner, F. Golliez, M. Schubnell, and G. Sebor (1987), Zu den Intensitätsschwankungen der kosmischen Strahlung während des geomagnetischen Sturms vom 13. Oktober 1986 (Abstract), paper presented at Tagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 18.-20.03.1987, Zürich.

123 Debrunner, H., E. Flückiger, and H. Grädel (1987), Zur interplanetaren Ausbreitung der Protonen beim solaren kosmischen Strahlungsereignis vom 16. Februar 1984 (Abstract), paper presented at Tagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 18.-20.03.1987, Zürich.

124 Debrunner, H., E. Flückiger, and H. Grädel (1987), Zur Beschleunigung und Emission der Protonen beim solaren kosmischen Strahlungsereignis vom 16. Februar 1984 (Abstract), paper presented at Tagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 18.-20.03.1987, Zürich.

125 Lockwood, J. A., H. Debrunner, R. E. McGuire, and J. J. Quenby (1987), Zur Beschleunigung und Emission der Protonen beim solaren kosmischen Strahlungsereignis vom 7. Mai 1978 (Abstract), paper presented at Tagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 18.-20.03.1987, Zürich.

126 Chupp, E. L., D. J. Forrest, W. T. Vestrand, H. Debrunner, E. Flückiger, F. Golliez, G. Kanbach, J. Cooper, and G. Share (1987), Solar Neutron Emissivity During the Large Flare on 1982 June 3 (Abstract), paper presented at 1987 Spring Meeting of the American Physical Society, Crystal City, Virginia.

127 Lockwood, J. A., H. Debrunner, R. E. McGuire, and J.J.Quenby (1987), Acceleration and Injection of Protons During the Solar Cosmic Ray Event on May 7, 1978, paper presented at 20th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Moscow.

128 Flückiger, E. O., D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1987), On the Latitude Dependence of Cosmic Ray Cutoff Rigidity Variations during the Initial Phase of a Geomagnetic Storm, paper presented at 20th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Moscow.

129 Debrunner, H., and E. Flückiger (1987), Progress Report for the Years 1984 - 1986, Interner Bericht für den Schweizerischen NationalfondsRep., Cosmic Ray Group, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

130 Debrunner, H., and E. Flückiger (1987), Long Range Scientific Program 1988 - 1990, Interner Bericht für den Schweizerischen NationalfondsRep., Cosmic Ray Group, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

131 Smart, D. F., M. A. Shea, and E. O. Flückiger (1987), Unusual Aspects of the Ground-Level Cosmic Ray Event of 7/8 December 1982, paper presented at 20th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Moscow.

132 Shea, M. A., D. F. Smart, and E. O. Flückiger (1987), Possible Neutron Monitor Response to Solar Neutrons in April 1984, paper presented at 20th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Moscow.

133 Shea, M. A., D. F. Smart, J. E. Humble, E. O. Flückiger, L. C. Gentile, and M. R. Nichol (1987), A Revised Standard Format for Cosmic Ray Ground-Level Event Data, paper presented at 20th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Moscow.

134 Debrunner, H., E. O. Flückiger, W. Scuntaro, and J. A. Lockwood (1987), On the Modulation of Cosmic Rays by Single Interplanetary Shocks (Abstract), paper presented at 20th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Moscow.

135 Flückiger, E. O., D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1987), Geomagnetic Effects during the Ground-Level Cosmic Ray Event on December 7/8, 1982 (Abstract), paper presented at 1987 Spring Meeting, American Geophysical Union, Baltimore, MD.

136 Shea, M. A., D. F. Smart, and E. O. Flückiger (1987), Probable Detection of Solar Neutrons by Ground-Level Neutron Monitors during STIP Interval XVI (Abstract), paper presented at STIP Symposium on Physical Interpretation of Solar/Interplanetary and Cometary Intervals, 12. - 15. Mai 1987, Huntsville, Alabama.

137 Flückiger, E. O., W. Scuntaro, D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1987), Evolution of the Magnetospheric Current Systems during the Geomagnetic Storm on 17/18 December 1971 (Abstract), paper presented at AGU Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.

138 Debrunner, H., E. Flückiger, and M. Schubnell (1987), Present and Future Activities of the Bern Cosmic Ray Group in the Field of Solar Neutrons, paper presented at Workshop on Solar Neutrons; 20th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Moscow.

139 Debrunner, H. (1987), Coronal and Interplanetary Propagation of Solar Cosmic Rays; Particle Acceleration in Interplanetary Space (Rapporteur Paper), paper presented at 20th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Moscow.

140 Grädel, H. (1987), Zum solaren kosmischen Strahlungsereignis vom 16. Februar 1984, Lizentiatsarbeit, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

141 Debrunner, H., et al. (1987), The Response of the Neutron Monitors at Jungfraujoch, Kerguelen and Terre Adelie to the 16 February 1984 Relativistic Solar Particle Event, in UAG Report, WDC A, edited, p. 211.

142 Chupp, E. L., H. Debrunner, E. Flückiger, D. J. Forrest, F. Golliez, G. Kanbach, W. T. Vestrand, J. Cooper, and G. Share (1987), Solar Neutron Emissivity During the Large Flare on 1982 June 3, The Astrophysical Journal, 318, 913.

143 Flückiger, E. O., D. F. Smart, M. A. Shea, and L. C. Gentile (1987), On the Correlation between Asymptotic Directions of Cosmic Ray Particles and Cutoff Rigidities in the Evolving Geomagnetic Field, J. Geophys. Res., 92(A3), 2551.

144 Debrunner, H., E. Flückiger, H. Grädel, J. A. Lockwood, and R. E. McGuire (1988), Observations Related to the Acceleration, Injection, and Interplanetary Propagation of Energetic Protons During the Solar Cosmic Ray Event on February 16, 1984, J. Geophys. Res., 93(A7), 7206.

145 Flückiger, E. O., E. Kobel, D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1988), Cutoff Rigidities and Asymptotic Directions for the Ground-Level Cosmic Ray Event on 7 December 1982 Obtained from Trajectory Calculations in a Magnetospheric Field Model (Abstract), paper presented at 11th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, August 21 - 27, 1988, Balatonfüred, Hungary.

146 Shea, M. A., D. F. Smart, J. E. Humble, E. O. Flückiger, L. C. Gentile, and M. Nichol (1988), Problems Associated with Assembling Neutron Monitor Data for Ground-Level Solar Cosmic Ray Events (Abstract), paper presented at 11th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, August 21 - 27, 1988, Balatonfüred, Hungary.

147 Lockwood, J. A., H. Debrunner, E. Flückiger, H. Grädel, and M. Schubnell (1988), On the Signature of Prompt Solar Cosmic Ray Events (Abstract), paper presented at 11th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Aug. 21-27, 1988, Balatonfüred, Hungary.

148 Debrunner, H., E. O. Flückiger, and P. Stein (1988), On the Yield Function of Neutron Monitors to Solar Neutrons (Abstract), paper presented at 11th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, August 21 - 27, 1988, Balatonfüred, Hungary.

149 Debrunner, H., E. Flückiger, and H. Grädel (1988), The Proton Energy Spectrum of the Solar Cosmic Ray Event on February 16, 1984 (Abstract), paper presented at 11th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, August 21 - 27, 1988, Balatonfüred, Hungary.

150 Debrunner, H., E. O. Flückiger, and J. A. Lockwood (1988), Signature of Solar Cosmic Ray Ground Level Events Produced by Impulsive Flares, Invited Paper, paper presented at Second Workshop on Impulsive Solar Flares, September 26 -28, 1988, University of New Hampshire, Durham, N.H.

151 Debrunner, H., E. O. Flückiger, and P. Stein (1988), On the Sensitivity of Neutron Monitors to Solar Neutrons (Abstract), paper presented at Second Workshop on Impulsive Solar Flares, September 26 -28, 1988, University of New Hampshire, Durham, N.H.

152 Shea, M. A., D. F. Smart, E. O. Flückiger, and J. E. Humble (1988), Were Solar Neutrons observed by Neutron Monitors on 25 April 1984? (Abstract), paper presented at Second Workshop on Impulsive Solar Flares, September 26-28, 1988, University of New Hampshire, Durham, N.H.

153 Schubnell, M. (1988), Zum Nachweis solarer Neutronen auf Jungfraujoch, Inauguraldissertation, Universität Bern.

154 Bütikofer, R. (1988), Zum Wiederaufbau des Multiplizitätsneutronenmonitors in Bern, Lizentiatsarbeit, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

155 Schubnell, M. (1989), Die neue Ein/Ausgabe-Elektronik zum IGY-Neutronenmonitor auf Jungfraujoch, Interner Bericht Rep., Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

156 Debrunner, H., E. O. Flückiger, and P. Stein (1989), On the Sensitivity of Neutron Monitors to Solar Neutrons, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A278, 573.

157 Kobel, E. (1989), Bestimmung der Grenzsteifigkeiten und der asymptotischen Richtungen der kosmischen Strahlung für das solare Protonenereignis vom 7./8. Dezember 1982 unter Berücksichtigung der gestörten Erdmagnetosphäre, Lizentiatsarbeit, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

158 Golliez, A. (1989), Zur Beobachtung von Halos punktförmiger Röntgenquellen mit dem Satelliten EXOSAT, Inauguraldissertation, Universität Bern.

159 Flückiger, E. O., and E. Kobel (1989), Aspects of Combining Models of the Earth's Internal and External Magnetic Field, Invited Paper, paper presented at 6th IAGA General Assembly, 24 July - 4 August, 1989, Exeter (UK).

160 Debrunner, H. (1989), Study of Gamma-Ray and Neutron Emission from the Sun during large Solar Flares, A Proposal to the Comptel CollaborationRep., Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

161 Stein, P. (1989), Zur Empfindlichkeit des NM64-Neutronenmonitors für Solare Neutronen, Lizentiatsarbeit, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

162 Flückiger, E. O. (1989), Erde im solaren Teilchenhagel, in Bieler Tagblatt, 26.10.1989; Tagesanzeiger, 27.10.1989; Bund, 01.11.1989, edited.

163 Debrunner, H., E. O. Flückiger, F. Golliez, R. Bütikofer, W. Scuntaro, and G. Sebor (1989), Neutron Monitor Data for Jungfraujoch and Bern during the Ground-Level Solar Cosmic-Ray Event on 29 September 1989, Interner Bericht Rep., Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

164 Legrand, J.-P., and P. Kossa (1989), Neutron Monitor Data for Kerguelen and Terre Adelie during the Ground-Level Solar Cosmic-Ray Event on 29 September 1989, Interner Bericht Rep., Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

165 Debrunner, H., E. O. Flückiger, and J. A. Lockwood (1990), Signature of the Solar Cosmic Ray Event on 1982 June 3, Ap. J. Suppl., 73, 259.

166 Smart, D. F., M. A. Shea, E. O. Flückiger, H. Debrunner, and J. E. Humble (1990), Were Solar Neutrons observed by Neutron Monitors on 25 April 1984?, Ap. J. Suppl., 73, 269.

167 Lockwood, J. A., H. Debrunner, and E. O. Flückiger (1990), Indications for Diffusive Coronal Shock Acceleration of Protons in Selected Solar Cosmic Ray Events, J. Geophys. Res., 95(A4), 4187.

168 Lockwood, J. A., H. Debrunner, E. O. Flückiger, and H. Grädel (1990), Proton Energy Spectra at the Sun in the Solar Cosmic Ray Events on 1978 May 7 and 1984 February 16, Ap. J., 355, 287.

169 Lockwood, J. A., H. Debrunner, E. O. Flückiger, and H. J. Grädel (1990), Proton Energy Spectra at the Sun during the May 7, 1978, and February 16, 1984, Solar Cosmic Ray Events, in 21st International Cosmic Ray Conference, edited, p. 9, Adelaide, Australia.

170 Debrunner, H., E. O. Flückiger, and P. Stein (1990), On the Sensitivity of a NM-64 Standard Neutron Monitor at Sea Level to Solar Neutrons in Dependence of the Angular Distance of the Station from the Sub-Solar Point, in 21st International Cosmic Ray Conference, edited, p. 129, Adelaide, Australia.

171 Takahashi, K., et al. (1990), Observation of Solar Neutrons by Mt. Norikura and Tokyo Neutron Monitors, in 21st International Cosmic Ray Conference, edited, p. 136, Adelaide, Australia.

172 Debrunner, H., E. O. Flückiger, W. Scuntaro, and J. A. Lockwood (1990), Cosmic Ray Modulation during Large Forbush Decreases (Abstract), paper presented at 21st International Cosmic Ray Conference, Adelaide, Australia.

173 Flückiger, E. O., D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1990), On the Correlation between the Standoff Distance of the Magnetopause and Cosmic Ray Cutoff Rigidities (Abstract), paper presented at 21st International Cosmic Ray Conference, Adelaide, Australia.

174 Flückiger, E. O., E. Kobel, D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1990), On the Significance of the Magnetospheric Effects in the Analysis of the Ground-Level Solar Cosmic Ray Event on 7 December 1982, in 21st International Cosmic Ray Conference, edited, p. 22, Adelaide, Australia.

175 Flückiger, E. O., D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1990), Determining the Strength of the Ring and the Magnetopause Currents during the Initial Phase of a Geomagnetic Storm using Cosmic Ray Data, J. Geophys. Res., 95(A2), 1113.

176 Scuntaro, W. (1990), Zur Ausbreitung der Kosmischen Strahlung bei interplanetaren Schocks, Inauguraldissertation, Universität Bern.

177 Shea, M. A., D. F. Smart, E. O. Flückiger, H. Debrunner, and M. D. Wilson (1990), Preliminary Analysis of Particle Anisotropy during the Onset of the 19 October 1989 Solar Cosmic Ray Ground-Level Enhancement (Abstract), paper presented at American Geophysical Union, Baltimore.

178 Flückiger, E. O., H. Debrunner, and P. Stein (1990), Sensitivity of Neutron Monitors to Solar Neutrons (Abstract), paper presented at 12th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, July 15 - 21, 1990, Nottingham, England.

179 Flückiger, E. O., E. Kobel, D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1990), A New Concept for the Visualisation of Cosmic-Ray Particle Entry into the Earth's Magnetosphere (Abstract), paper presented at 12th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, July 15 - 21, 1990, Nottingham, England.

180 Flückiger, E. O. (1991), Solar Cosmic Rays, Invited Paper presented at the 12th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Nottingham, England, July 15 - 21, 1990, Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.), 22B, 1.

181 Bazilevskaya, G. A., H. Debrunner, V. S. Makhmutov, and E. Flückiger (1990), Disturbances of the Cosmic Ray Intensity after Small Proton Flares on the Sun, Geomagnetism y Aeronomia, 30, 308.

182 Debrunner, H., H. Grädel, and J. A. Lockwood (1991), The Protons Scattering Mean Free Path for the May 7, 1978 Solar Flare Event, J. Geophys. Res., 96(A5), 7897.

183 Lockwood, J. A., W. R. Webber, and H. Debrunner (1991), The Rigidity Dependence of Forbush Decreases Observed at the Earth, J. Geophys. Res., 96(A4), 5447.

184 Grädel, H.-J. (1990), Untersuchungen zu den solaren kosmischen Strahlungsereignissen vom 7. Mai 1978 und 16. Februar 1984, Inauguraldissertation, Universität Bern.

185 Flückiger, E. O., and E. Kobel (1990), Aspects of Combining Models of the Earth's Internal and External Magnetic Field, J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 42, 1123.

186 Shea, M. A., D. F. Smart, and E. O. Flückiger (1990), Further Evidence for the Detection by Neutron Monitors of Relativistic Protons from Decayed Solar Neutrons (Abstract), paper presented at 1990 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.

187 Lockwood, J. A., W. R. Webber, and H. Debrunner (1991), Forbush Decreases and Interplanetary Magnetic Field Disturbances, Association with Magnetic Clouds, J. Geophys. Res., 96(A4), 11'587.

188 Flückiger, E. O., and E. Kobel (1991), Theoretische Untersuchung der Propagation der kosmischen Strahlung in der Erdmagnetosphäre (Abstract), paper presented at Tagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 10.-12.4.1991, Zürich.

189 Debrunner, H., and E. O. Flückiger (1991), Progress Report for the Years 1987-1990, Interner Bericht für den Schweizerischen Nationalfonds Rep., Cosmic Ray Group, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

190 Debrunner, H., and E. O. Flückiger (1991), Long Range Scientific Program 1992-1994, Interner Bericht für den Schweizerischen Nationalfonds Rep., Cosmic Ray Group, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

191 Shea, M. A., D. F. Smart, and E. O. Flückiger (1991), Additional Evidence for the Detection of Relativistic Protons from Decayed Solar Neutrons on 19 October 1989 (Abstract), paper presented at European Geophysical Society, XVI General Assembly, April 22 - 26, 1991, Wiesbaden.

192 Shea, M. A., D. F. Smart, M. D. Wilson, and E. O. Flückiger (1991), Possible Ground-Level Measurements of Solar Neutron Decay Protons During the 19 October 1989 Solar Cosmic Ray Event, Geophys. Res. Letters, 18, 829.

193 Lockwood, J. A., W. R. Webber, and H. Debrunner (1991), Forbush Decreases and Interplanetary Magnetic Field Disturbances - Association with Magnetic Clouds (Abstract), in 22nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, 11 - 23 August 1991, edited, p. 634, Dublin, Ireland.

194 Flückiger, E. O., E. Kobel, D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1991), A New Concept for the Simulation and Visualisation of Cosmic Ray Particle Transport in the Earth's Magnetosphere, in 22nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, 11 - 23 August 1991, edited, p. 648, Dublin, Ireland.

195 Shea, M. A., D. F. Smart, and E. O. Flückiger (1991), The Evolution of the Anisotropy of Solar Neutron Decay Protons During the 19 October 1989 Solar Cosmic Ray Event, in 22nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, 11 - 23 August 1991, edited, p. 41, Dublin, Ireland.

196 Flückiger, E. O. (1991), Solar and Terrestrial Modulation; Rapporteur Paper, in 22nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, 11 - 23 August 1991, edited, p. 273, Dublin, Ireland.

197 Debrunner, H., J. A. Lockwood, and J. M. Ryan (1992), The Solar Particle Event on 1990 May 24: Evidence for Two Separate Particle Accelerations, The Astrophysical Journal (Letters), 387, L51 - L54.

198 J.M. Ryan, H. A., K. Bennett, M. Busetta, W. Collmar, A. Connors, H. deBoer, C. de Vries, H. Debrunner, A. Deerenberg, J.W. den Herder, R. Diehl, G. Eymann, D. Forrest, W. Hermsen, M. Kippen,, L. Kuiper, G.G. Lichti, J.A. Lockwood, M. Loomis, J. Macri, M. McConell, D. Morris, et al. (1991), COMPTEL Observations of the Solar Flares on 4, 9, 11 and 15 June 1991 (Abstract), paper presented at 1991 Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.

199 Flückiger, E. O., D. F. Smart, M. A. Shea, and M. D. Wilson (1991), Unusual Oscillatory Modulation of Galactic Cosmic Rays During the 24 March 1991 Forbush Decrease (Abstract), paper presented at 1991 Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.

200 Ryan, J. M., et al. (1992), COMPTEL Solar Flare Observations, in The Compton Observatory Science Workshop, September 23 - 25, 1991, edited, p. 470, Annapolis, MD.

201 Versteeg, E. (1991), Zur Steifigkeitsabhängigkeit des Forbush-Abfalls vom 13. Juli 1982, Lizentiatsarbeit, Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bern.

202 Bütikofer, R., H. Debrunner, and E. O. Flückiger (1992), The Rigidity Dependence of the February 1986 Forbush Decrease (Abstract), paper presented at 13th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, 27 - 31 July 1992, Geneva, Switzerland.

203 Scuntaro, W., H. Debrunner, and E. O. Flückiger (1992), On the Propagation of Cosmic Rays Through Interplanetary Shocks (Abstract), paper presented at 13th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, 27 - 31 July 1992, Geneva, Switzerland.

204 Debrunner, H., J. A. Lockwood, and J. M. Ryan (1992), The Solar Cosmic Ray Ground Level Event on May 24, 1990 (Abstract), paper presented at 13th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, 27 - 31 July 1992, Geneva, Switzerland.

205 Debrunner, H., J. A. Lockwood, and J. M. Ryan (1992), The Scenario of the Acceleration of Relativistic Protons at the Sun During the May 24, 1990 Solar Cosmic Ray Event (Abstract), paper presented at 13th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, 27 - 31 July 1992, Geneva, Switzerland.

206 Flückiger, E. O., D. F. Smart, M. A. Shea, and M. D. Wilson (1992), Unusual Quasi-Periodic Modulation of Galactic Cosmic Rays During the 24 March 1991 Forbush Decrease (Abstract), paper presented at 13th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, 27 - 31 July 1992, Geneva, Switzerland.

207 Kudela, K., M. Gobl, H. Debrunner, and E. Flückiger (1992), Cosmic Ray Fluctuations at Two Neutron Monitors (Abstract), paper presented at 13th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, 27 - 31 July 1992, Geneva, Switzerland.

208 Flückiger, E. O. (1992), Analysis of Short-Term Variations in the Counting Rate of the Neutron Monitors at Jungfraujoch (Abstract), paper presented at 13th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, 27 - 31 July 1992, Geneva, Switzerland.

209 ( Kobel, E., and E. O. Flückiger (1992), Theoretical Analysis of Magnetospheric Effects on Cosmic Rays (Abstract), paper presented at 13th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, 27 - 31 July 1992, Geneva, Switzerland.

210 Debrunner, H., J. A. Lockwood, and J. M. Ryan (1993), Solar Neutron and Proton Production During the 1990 May 24 Cosmic Ray Flare Increases, The Astrophysical Journal, 409, 822.

211 Debrunner, H., W. Scuntaro, and E. Flückiger (1991), Kosmische Strahlung, in Projektbeitrag Nr. M 2.2 zur Nationalen Forschungsausstellung 1991 "HEUREKA"; HEUREKA (Hrsg.: G. Müller); Zürcher Forum, Gemeindestrasse 48, 8032 Zürich, edited, p. 413.

212 Scuntaro, W. (1991), Hochalpine Forschungsstation Jungfraujoch, in Bulletin SEV/VSE, edited, p. 25.

213 Kobel, E. (1992), Zu den magnetosphärischen Effekten der kosmischen Strahlung, Inauguraldissertation, Universität Bern.

214 Ryan, J., et al. (1993), COMPTEL Gamma Ray and Neutron Measurements of Solar Flares; Invited Paper, in AIP Conf. Proc. 280, Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory, October 15 - 17, 1992, edited, p. 631, St. Louis, MO.

215 Debrunner, H. (1993), Neutron Monitor Measurements as a Complement to Space Measurements of Energetic Solar Flare Particles; Invited Paper, in High Energy Solar Phenomena - A New Era of Spacecraft Measurements, March 1 - 5, 1993, edited, p. 207, Waterville Valley, NH.

216 Ryan, J., et al. (1993), Neutron and Gamma-Ray Measurements of the Solar Flare of 1991 June 9, in High Energy Solar Phenomena - A New Era of Spacecraft Measurements, March 1 - 5, 1993, edited, p. 89, Waterville Valley, NH.

217 Bazilevskaya, G. A., E. Flückiger, V. S. Makhmutov, S. V. Mizin, and A. B. Struminsky (1993), Omnidirectional and Vertical Fluxes of Charged particles in the Earth's Atmosphere During Solar Flare Events (Abstract), paper presented at International Workshop Space Radiation Environment: Empirical and Physical Models, 2-4 June 1993, Dubna, Russia.

218 Flückiger, E. O., E. Kobel, D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1993), Impact Zones and Particle Fluxes Fluxes at the Top of the Atmosphere for the 22October 1989 Relativistic Solar Particle Event (Abstract), paper presented at International Workshop 'Space Radiation Environment: Empirical and Physical Models, 2-4 June 1993, Dubna, Russia.

219 Debrunner, H., J. A. Lockwood, J. M. Ryan, M. McConnell, V. Schönfelder, H. Aarts, K. Bennett, and C. Winkler (1993), Neutrons from the 15 June 1991 Solar Flare, in 23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, 19 -30 July 1993, edited, p. 115, Calgary, Canada.

220 Flückiger, E. O., and E. Kobel (1993), The Ground Level Enhancement on 22 October 1989 as a Test of the Tsyganenko (1989) Magnetospheric Magnetic Field Model, in 23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, 19-30 July 1993, edited, p. 793, Calgary, Canada.

221 Flückiger, E. O., and E. Kobel (1993), Asymptotic Directions for the Stratospheric Cosmic Ray Measurements at Murmansk and Mirny on 20 October 1989 and 24 March 1991, in 23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, 19-30 July 1993, edited, p. 789, Calgary, Canada.

222 Kudela, K., H. Debrunner, E. Flückiger, and J. Torsti (1993), On the Character of Cosmic Ray Variations at f > 2 x 10-5 Hz, in 23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, 19-30 July 1993, edited, p. 575, Calgary, Canada.

223 Debrunner, H. (1993), Detection of Cosmic Rays, paper presented at Proc. of Association Vaudoise de Chercheurs en Physique, 35ème Cours de Perfectionnement, 22-27 Mars 1993, Grimentz.

224 Bütikofer, R. (1993), Zur Wartung der Neutronenmonitore des Physikalischen Instituts der Universität Bern, Inauguraldissertation, Universität Bern.

225 Ryan, J., et al. (1993), Neutron and Gamma Ray Measurements of the Solar Flare of 1991 June 9, in 23rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, 19 -30 July 1993, edited, p. 103, Calgary, Canada.

226 Ryan, J., et al. (1993), Comptel Measurements of Solar Flare Neutrons, Adv. Space Res., 13(9), (9)255.

227 Flückiger, E. O. (1993), 13th European Cosmic Ray Symposium (ECRS'92), in COSNEWS, Cosmic Ray News Bulletin of the Commission on Cosmic Rays, IUPAP, edited, p. 4.

228 Scuntaro, W., H. Debrunner, and E. Flückiger (1993), Abklärung möglicher Fokussier- und Beschleunigungseffekte von kosmischer Partikelstrahlung durch elektrische 50Hz Uebertragungsleitungen, Expertenbericht zu Handen des Bundesamtes für Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft (BUWAL), 3003 Bern Rep., Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bern.

229 Flückiger, E. O., and E. Kobel (1993), Zum Einfall relativistischer solarer Protonen auf die Erdatmosphäre nach dem solaren Flare vom 22. Oktober 1989 (Abstract), paper presented at Tagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 24.09.1993, Bagnes-Verbier.

230 Kobel, E., and E. O. Flückiger (1993), Ein Magnetfeldmodell der stirnseitigen Magnetopausenströme (Chapman-Ferraro-Ströme) (Abstract), paper presented at Tagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 24.09.1993, Bagnes-Verbier.

231 Flückiger, E. O., E. Kobel, D. F. Smart, M. A. Shea, J. E. Humble, J. L. Cramp, and M. L. Duldig (1993), On the Unusual Aspects of the 22 October 1989 Anisotropic GLE (Abstract), paper presented at 1993 Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.

232 Boberg, P. R., A. J. Tylka, J. H. Adams, E. O. Flückiger, and E. Kobel (1993), Geomagnetic Transmission Determinations and Modelling using Protons from the Solar Energetic Particle Events of October 1989 (Abstract), paper presented at 1993 Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.

233 Debrunner, H., and E. O. Flückiger (1994), Progress Report for the Years 1991-1993Rep., Cosmic Ray Group, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern, Bern, Switzerland.

234 Debrunner, H., and E. O. Flückiger (1994), Long Range Scientific Program 1995-1997Rep., Cosmic Ray Group, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern, Bern, Switzerland.

235 Scuntaro, W., E. Flückiger, and H. Debrunner (1994), Abklärung möglicher Fokussier- und Beschleunigungseffekte von kosmischer Partikelstrahlung durch elektrische 50 Hz 380 kV übertragungsleitungen, Expertenbericht zu Handen BUWAL Rep., Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bern, Bern.

236 Debrunner, H., J. A. Lockwood, J. M. Ryan, M. McConnell, V. Schönfelder, K. Bennett, M. Varendorff, and C. Winkler (1994), Gamma-Rays and Neutrons from the 1991 June 15 Solar Flare (Abstract), paper presented at 1994 Spring Meeting American Geophysical Union, Baltimore, Maryland.

237 Flückiger, E. O. (1994), Status Report on the Study of Cosmic Ray Particle Propagation in the Earth's Magnetosphere (Abstract), paper presented at 14th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, 28.08 - 03.09.1994, Balatonfüred, Hungary.

238 Flückiger, E. O. (1994), Open Questions in the Analysis and Interpretation of Neutron Monitor Data (Abstract), paper presented at 14th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, 28.08 - 03.09.1994, Balatonfüred, Hungary.

239 Bütikofer, R., H. Debrunner, E. O. Flückiger, and J. A. Lockwood (1994), The Solar Proton Event of the 1990 May 24 Solar Flare (Abstract), paper presented at 14th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, 28.08 - 03.09.1994, Balatonfüred, Hungary.

240 Kobel, E., and E. O. Flückiger (1994), A Model of the Steady State Magnetic Field in the Magnetosheath, J. Geophys. Res., 99 (A12), 23'617.

241 Boberg, P. R., A. J. Tylka, J. J.H. Adams, E. O. Flückiger, and E. Kobel (1995), Geomagnetic Transmission Disturbances and Heavy Ion Fluences Observed in Low Earth Orbit During the Solar Energetic Particle Events of October 1989, Adv. Space Research, 17(2), 121.

242 Smart, D. F., M. A. Shea, E. O. Flückiger, and B. Sanahuja (1995), Solar, interplanetary, and geomagnetic phenomena in March 1991 and their association with spacecraft and terrestrial problems, Nuclear Physics B, (Proc. Suppl.), 39A, 26.

243 Debrunner, H., J. A. Lockwood, and J. M. Ryan (1994), Relationship Between the Time Histories of Solar Flare Gamma-Ray Emission and Neutron Production (Abstract), paper presented at Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.

244 Shea, M. A., D. F. Smart, T. Watanabe, B. Sanahuja, and E. O. Flückiger (1995), Summary of Solar, Interplanetary, and Geomagnetic Disturbances During SOLTIP Interval 1 (22-27 March 1991), paper presented at Second SOLTIP Symposium, June 13-17, 1994, Nakaminato, Japan.

245 Boberg, P. R., A. J. Tylka, J. J.H. Adams, E. O. Flückiger, and E. Kobel (1995), Geomagnetic Transmission of Solar Energetic Protons During the Large Geomagnetic Disturbances of October 1989, Geophysical Research Letters, 22 (9), 1133-1136.

246 Bütikofer, R., E. O. Flückiger, D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1995), Effects of the Magnetosheath on Cosmic Ray Particle Propagation in Near-Earth Space, in 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, August 28 - September 8, 1995, edited, p. 1070, Rome.

247 Debrunner, H., J. A. Lockwood, and J. M. Ryan (1995), The Relationship between the Timing of Solar Flare Gamma-Ray Emission and High-Energy Neutron Production, in 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, August 28 - September 8, 1995, edited, p. 167, Rome.

248 Flückiger, E. O., and M. Y. Hofer (1995), The 24 March 1991 Forbush Decrease, in 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, August 28 - September 8, 1995, edited, p. 904, Rome.

249 Kudela, K., D. Venkatesan, E. O. Flückiger, R. Langer, I. M. Martin, M. Slivka, and H. Graumann (1995), Cosmic Ray Variations: Periodicities at T<24 hours, in 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Rome, August 28 - September 8, 1995, edited, p. 928.

250 Shea, M. A., D. F. Smart, and E. O. Flückiger (1995), A Comment on the Detection of Solar Proton Events at the Earth with Respect to the Heliospheric Current Sheet, in 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, August 28 - September 8, 1995, edited, p. 309, Rome.

251 Hofer, M. Y. (1995), Feasibility study for a mass spectrometer dedicated to the determination of the abundance of H+, 3He+, and 4He++ in the solar wind, paper presented at Week of Doctoral Students WDS '95, 18-22 September 1995, Prague.

252 Bütikofer, R., and E. O. Flückiger (1996), Effekte des Magnetosheath auf die Propagation der kosmischen Strahlung im erdnahen Raum (Abstract), paper presented at Tagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 7.-8. März 1996, Fribourg.

253 Kudela, K., E. O. Flückiger, J. Torsti, and H. Debrunner (1996), On the Character of Cosmic Ray Variations at f > 2 10-5 Hz, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 3(2), 135.

254 Nieminen, P., H. Debrunner, J. M. Ryan, G. Rank, M. McConnell, J. Lockwood, V. Schönfelder, K. Bennett, and C. WinklerMay 13-18 (1996), Preliminary Results on the 10-100 MeV Neutron Production during the 1991 June 15 Solar Flare (Abstract), paper presented at 8th Meeting on Solar Physics, May 13-18, 1996, Thessaloniki, Greece.

255 Hofer, M. Y., and E. O. Flückiger (1996), Analysis of the Pre-Increase of the 24 March 1991 Forbush Decrease (Abstract), paper presented at 15th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, August 26-30, 1996, Perpignan, France.

256 Kudela, K., E. O. Flückiger, and J. Torsti (1996), On the Scaling Properties of Neutron Monitor Count Rate Temporal Variability (Abstract), paper presented at 15th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, August 26-30, 1996, Perpignan, France.

257 Bütikofer, R., and E. O. Flückiger (1996), Effects of the Fluctuating Magnetic Field in the Magnetosheath on Cosmic Ray Particle Propagation (Abstract), paper presented at 15th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, August 26-30, 1996, Perpignan, France.

258 Nieminen, P., H. Debrunner, J. A. Lockwood, J. M. Ryan, and A. G. Zusmanovitch (1996), On the Possibility of a Solar Neutron Signal in the Alma-Ata B Neutron Monitor Records of 15 June 1991 (Abstract, Internal Report), paper presented at 15th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, August 26-30, 1996, Perpignan, France.

259 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, K. Kudela, and M. Slivka (1996), Effects of the Magnetosheath on Cosmic Ray Particle Propagation: Comparison of a Magnetosheath Magnetic Field Model with Prognoz 10 Observations (Abstract), paper presented at 15th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, August 26-30, 1996, Perpignan, France.

260 Shea, M. A., D. F. Smart, and E. O. Flückiger (1996), Three Atypical Relativistic Solar Proton Events and Associated Geomagnetic Phenomena (Abstract), paper presented at Chapman Conference on Coronal Mass Ejections, August 11-15, 1996, Bozeman, Montana.

261 Rank, G., K. Bennett, H. Bloemen, H. Debrunner, J. Lockwood, M. McConnell, J. Ryan, V. Schönfelder, and R. Suleiman (1996), Extended Gamma-Ray Emission in Solar Flares, in High Energy Solar Physics, Greenbelt, MD, August 16-18, 1995, edited, p. 219.

262 Hofer, M. Y., and E. O. Flückiger (1998), Analysis of the Pre-Increase of the 24 March 1991 Forbush Decrease, in Towards the Millennium in Astrophysics: Problems and Prospects, edited.

263 Bazilevskaya, G. A., E. O. Flückiger, V. S. Makhmutov, and S. V. Mizin (1996), Omnidirectional and Vertical Fluxes of Charged Particles in the Earth's Atmosphere During Solar Proton Events, Radiation Measurements, 26(3), 443.

264 Flückiger, E. O., and M. Y. Hofer (1996), The Pre-Increase of the 24 March 1991 Forbush Decrease: Evidence of GV Protons Associated with an Interplanetary Shock (Abstract), paper presented at SOLTIP Symposium III, October 14-18, 1996, Beijing.

265 Hofer, M. Y., and E. O. Flückiger (1997), Transient Cosmic Ray Modulation at 1 AU and Close to the Heliospheric Current Sheet in March 1991, paper presented at Tagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, February 27-28, 1997, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

266 Bütikofer, R., and E. O. Flückiger (1997), Auswirkungen des Magnetfeldes im Magnetosheath auf die Propagation der kosmischen Strahlung im erdnahen Raum, paper presented at Tagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, February 27-28, 1997, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

267 Debrunner, H., et al. (1997), Energetic Neutrons, Protons, and Gamma Rays During the 1990 May 24 Solar Cosmic-Ray Event, Astrophysical Journal, 479, 997.

268 Lockwood, J. A., H. Debrunner, and J. M. Ryan (1997), The Relationship Between Solar Flare Gamma-Ray Emission and Neutron Production, Sol. Phys., 173 (1), 151.

269 Cramp, J. L., M. L. Duldig, E. O. Flückiger, J. E. Humble, M. A. Shea, and D. F. Smart (1997), The 22 October 1989 Solar Cosmic Ray Enhancement: An Analysis of the Anisotropy and Spectral Characteristics, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 24'237.

270 Nieminen, P. (1997), Neutrons from the 15 June 1991 Solar Flare, PhD thesis, Universität Bern.

271 Lockwood, J. A., H. Debrunner, and J. M. Ryan (1999), Interacting and Interplanetary High-Energy Protons in Solar Flare Events, Astroparticle Physics, 12, 97.

272 Tylka, A. J., J. J.H. Adams, P. R. Boberg, B. Brownstein, W. F. Dietrich, E. O. Flückiger, E. L. Petersen, M. A. Shea, D. F. Smart, and E. C. Smith (1997), CREME96: A Revision of the Cosmic Ray Effects on Micro-Electronics Code, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 44(December), 2150.

273 Debrunner, H., J. A. Lockwood, and J. M. Ryan (1997), Spectral Variations of the Solar Protons Producing the Gamma Ray and Neutron Emissions During the 1990 May 24 Solar Flare Event, in 25th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 28 - August 8, 1997, edited, p. 121, Durban, South Africa.

274 Rank, G., H. Debrunner, L. Kocharov, G. Kovaltsov, J. Lockwood, M. McConnell, P. Nieminen, J. Ryan, and V. Schönfelder (1997), The Solar Flare Event on 15 June 1991, in 25th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 28 - August 8, 1997, edited, p. 1, Durban, South Africa.

275 Rank, G., J. Ryan, M. McConnell, J. Lockwood, V. Schönfelder, and H. Debrunner (1997), Extended Gamma-Ray Emission of the Solar Flares in June 1991, in 25th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 28 - August 8, 1997, edited, p. 5, Durban, South Africa.

276 Kudela, K., E. O. Flückiger, R. Langer, and P. Bobik (1997), Power Spectra of Neutron Monitor Time Series at Frequencies f > 1.5x10-5 Hz, in 25th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 28 - August 8, 1997, edited, p. 425, Durban, South Africa.

277 Hofer, M. Y., and E. O. Flückiger (1997), Cosmic Ray Modulation During the 24 March 1991 Forbush Decrease, in 25th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 28 - August 8, 1997, edited, p. 401, Durban, South Africa.

278 Bütikofer, R., E. O. Flückiger, D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1997), Effects of the Magnetosheath Magnetic Field on Cosmic Ray Propagation Near Earth, in 25th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 28-August 8, 1997, edited, p. 377, Durban, South Africa.

279 Flückiger, E. O. (1997), Progress Report for the Years 1994-1996, Interner Bericht für den Schweizerischen Nationalfonds Rep., Cosmic Ray Group, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

280 Flückiger, E. O., and P. Bochsler (1997), Scientific Program 1997-1999, Interner Bericht für den Schweizerischen Nationalfonds, Interner Bericht für den Schweizerischen Nationalfonds Rep., Cosmic Ray Group, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

281 Debrunner, H. (1998), The Relationship between Supernovae and Cosmic Rays, paper presented at Supernovae and Cosmology, Colloquium in Honor of Professor Gustav Andreas Tammann, Astronomisches Institut der Universität Basel.

282 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, K. Kudela, and M. Slivka (1997), Comparison of a Magnetosheath Magnetic Field Model with Prognoz-10 Observations (Abstract), paper presented at 1997 Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.

283 Flückiger, E. O., and M. Y. Hofer (1998), Interplanetary Shocks, Magnetic Clouds, and Cosmic Rays - Findings from an Analysis of the 1991 March 24 Forbush Decrease (Abstract), paper presented at 1998 Spring Meeting American Geophysical Union, Boston, MA.

284 Bazilevskaya, G., M. Krainev, V. Makhmutov, A. Sladkova, M. Storini, and E. Flückiger (1998), A New Approach to Study Gnevyshev Double-Peak Solar Cycle Features, Conference devoted to the 50th Anniversary of the Main Astronomical Station of the Main Astronomical Observatory (Pulkovo) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, June 25-29, 1998, paper presented at The New Cycle of Solar Activity: Observational and Theoretical Aspects, Pulkovo (St. Petersburg), Russia.

285 Desorgher, L., E. Flückiger, P. Bühler, and A. Zehnder (2000), Modelling of the Outer Electron Belt Flux Dropout and Losses during Magnetic Storm Main Phase, Adv. Space Res., 26, no. 1, 167-171.

286 Lovell, J. L., M. L. Duldig, J. E. Humble, M. A. Shea, D. F. Smart, and E. O. Flückiger (2002), The Cosmic Ray Ground Level Enhancement of 6 November 1997, Adv. Space Res., 30 (4), 1045-1048.

287 Smart, D. F., M. A. Shea, and E. O. Flückiger (1998), The Solar Cosmic Ray Event of 6 November 1997; an Initial Analysis (Abstract), paper presented at 1998 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Taipei, July 21-24, 1998.

288 Bazilevskaya, G., M. Krainev, V. Makhmutov, A. Sladkova, M. Storini, and E. Flückiger (1998), The Gnevyshev Gap in Cosmic Ray Physics, paper presented at Proc. 16th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, rayos cósmicos 98, Departamento de Fisica, Universidad de Alcalá, Spain.

289 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, Y. Muraki, Y. Matsubara, T. Koi, H. Tsuchiya, T. Hoshida, T. Sako, and T. Sakai (1998), A New Solar Neutron Telescope At Gornergrat, paper presented at Proc. 16th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, rayos cósmicos 98, Universidad de Alcalá, Spain.

290 Hofer, M. Y., and E. O. Flückiger (1998), Cosmic Ray Spectral And Directional Variations Near Earth During The 24 March 1991 Forbush Decrease, paper presented at Proc. 16th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, rayos cósmicos 98, Universidad de Alcalá, Spain.

291 Hofer, M. Y. (1998), Cosmic Ray Spectral and Directional Variations Near Earth During the 24 March 1991 Forbush Decrease, PhD thesis, Universität Bern.

292 Simnett, G. M., et al. (1998), Corotating Particle Events, in Cosmic Rays in the Heliosphere, edited, p. 215.

293 Kocharov, L., H. Debrunner, G. Kovaltsov, J. Lockwood, M. McConnell, P. Nieminen, G. Rank, J. Ryan, and V. Schönfelder (1998), Deduced Spectrum of Interacting Protons Accelerated after the Impulsive Phase of the 15 June 1991 Solar Flare, Astron. Astrophy., 340, 257.

294 Debrunner, H., E. O. Flückiger, J. A. Lockwood, J. M. Ryan, C. Barat, R. Sunyaev, O. Terekhov, and A. Kuznetsov (1998), Energy Spectra of Protons Interacting at the Sun During the 1990 May 24 Flare Event (Abstract), paper presented at 1998 Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.

295 Smart, D. F., M. A. Shea, and E. O. Flückiger (1998), Vertical Cutoff Rigidities for the International Space Station (Abstract), paper presented at 1998 Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.

296 Flückiger, E. O., and R. Bütikofer (1998), Neutron Monitor Data for Jungfraujoch and Bern During the Ground-Level Solar Cosmic Ray Event on 6 November 1997, internal report Rep.

297 Hofer, M. Y., and E. O. Flückiger (1999), The Large Worldwide Cosmic Ray Decrease in March 1991 (Abstract), paper presented at Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Bern, Switzerland.

298 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, Y. Muraki, Y. Matsubara, T. Koi, H. Tsuchiya, T. Hoshida, T. Sako, and T. Sakai (1999), A New Solar Neutron Telescope at Gornergrat (Abstract), paper presented at Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Bern, Switzerland.

299 Debrunner, H., J. A. Lockwood, C. Barat, J. M. Ryan, E. O. Flückiger, R. Sunyaev, O. Terekhov, and A. Kuznetsov (1999), Intensity-Time Profile and Energy Spectrum of the Protons Interacting at the Sun During the 1990 May 24 Solar Flare Event (Abstract), paper presented at Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Bern, Switzerland.

300 Lockwood, J. A., H. Debrunner, C. Barat, J. M. Ryan, E. O. Flückiger, R. Sunyaev, O. Terekhov, and A. Kuznetsov (1999), Energy Spectrum of Protons Producing Solar Gamma-Rays During the 1990 May 24 Flare Event (Abstract), paper presented at 24th General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, 19-23 April 1999, The Hague.

301 Hofer, M. Y., and E. O. Flückiger (2000), Cosmic Ray Spectral Variations and Anisotropy Near Earth During the March 24, 1991 Forbush Decrease, J. Geophys. Res., 105 (A10), 23,085-023,097.

302 Bütikofer, R., and E. O. Flückiger (1999), Pressure Correction of Neutron Monitor Measurements in Turbulent Winds (Abstract), paper presented at ISSI Workshop "Cosmic Rays and Earth, March 21-26, 1999, Bern, Switzerland.

303 Hofer, M. Y., and E. O. Flückiger (1999), The Potential of Neutron Monitors for the Study of Complex Transient Structures in the Near-Earth Interplanetary Medium (Abstract), paper presented at ISSI Workshop "Cosmic Rays and Earth, March 21-26, 1999, Bern, Switzerland.

304 Bütikofer, R., and E. O. Flückiger (1999), Pressure Correction of GLE Measurements in Turbulent Winds, in 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, August 17-25, 1999, edited, p. 395, Salt Lake City, Utah.

305 Bazilevskaya, G. A., E. O. Flückiger, M. B. Krainev, V. S. Makhmutov, A. I. Sladkova, and M. Storini (1999), The Gnevyshev Gap Effect in Solar Cosmic Rays, in 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, August 17-25, 1999, edited, p. 240, Salt Lake City, Utah.

306 Krainev, M. B., G. A. Bazilevskaya, E. O. Flückiger, V. S. Makhmutov, A. I. Sladkova, S. A. Starodubtsev, and M. Storini (1999), The Gnevyshev Gap Effect in Galactic Cosmic Rays, in 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, August 17-25, 1999, edited, p. 155, Salt Lake City, Utah.

307 Smart, D. F., M. A. Shea, and E. O. Flückiger (1999), Calculated Vertical Cutoff Rigidities for the International Space Station During Magnetically Quiet Times, in 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, August 17-25, 1999, edited, p. 394, Salt Lake City, Utah.

308 Smart, D. F., M. A. Shea, and E. O. Flückiger (1999), Calculated Vertical Cutoff Rigidities for the International Space Station During Magnetically Active Times, in 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, August 17-25, 1999, edited, p. 398, Salt Lake City, Utah.

309 Smart, D. F., M. A. Shea, E. O. Flückiger, and P. R. Boberg (1999), Changes in Calculated Vertical Cutoff Rigidities at the Altitude of the International Space Station as a Function of Geomagnetic Activity, in 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, August 17-25, 1999, edited, p. 337, Salt Lake City, Utah.

310 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, D. F. Smart, and M. A. Shea (1999), Geomagnetic Effects on Cosmic Ray Antiprotons, in 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, August 17-25, 1999, edited, p. 333, Salt Lake City, Utah.

311 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, and M. Y. Hofer (1999), Symmetry Features in the Intensity-Time Profile of Forbush Decreases (Abstract), in 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, August 17-25, 1999, edited, p. 435, Salt Lake City, Utah.

312 Debrunner, H., and J. A. Lockwood (1999), Solar Neutron Measurements with Neutron Monitors, paper presented at ISSI Workshop "Cosmic Rays and Earth", March 21-26, 1999, Bern, Switzerland.

313 Lockwood, J. A., and H. Debrunner (1999), Solar Flare Particle Measurements with Neutron Monitors, Space Science Rev., 88, 483-500.

314 Flückiger, E. O. (1999), Progress Report 1997/1998, Interner Bericht für den Schweizerischen Nationalfonds Rep., Cosmic Ray Group, Space Research and Planetary sciences, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

315 Flückiger, E. O., and P. Bochsler (1999), Scientific Program 2000/2001, Interner Bericht für den Schweizerischen Nationalfonds Rep., Cosmic Ray Group, Space Research and Planetary Sciences, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

316 Bütikofer, R., and E. O. Flückiger (1998), Ersatz der Schutzhütte des IGY-Neutronenmonitors auf Jungfraujoch, Juli 1997, interner Bericht/Fotodokumentation Rep., Cosmic Ray Group, Space Research and Planetary Sciences, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

317 Bütikofer, R., and E. O. Flückiger (1999), Montage der Schützhütte für das Solar Neutron Telescope sowie Aufbau der Messapparatur auf Gornergrat, Zermatt, Schweiz, Dezember 1997 / Januar 1998, interner Bericht/Fotodokumentation Rep., Cosmic Ray Group, Space Research and Planetary Sciences, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

318 Desorgher, L. (1999), Variations of the Earth's Outer Electron Belt: REM Observations between 1995 and 1997 and Simulations of Magnetic Storm Effects, PhD thesis, Universität Bern, Bern.

319 Matsubara, Y., et al. (1999), Observation of Solar Neutrons by the World-Wide Network of Solar Neutron Detectors, in 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, August 17-25, 1999, edited, p. 42, Salt Lake City, Utah.

320 Bieber, J. W., E. Eroshenko, P. Evenson, E. Flückiger, and R. Kallenbach (2000), Cosmic Rays and Earth - A Summary, Space Sci. Rev, 93, 1-9.

321 Bieber, J. W., E. Eroshenko, P. Evenson, E. Flückiger, and R. Kallenbach (2000), Cosmic Rays and Earth - A Summary, in Cosmic Rays and Earth, edited, pp. 1-9, Kluwer.

322 Ryan, J. M., J. A. Lockwood, and H. Debrunner (2000), Solar Energetic Particles, Space Sci. Rev., 93, 31-48.

323 Ryan, J. M., J.A. Lockwood, and H. Debrunner (2000), Solar Energetic Particles, in Cosmic Rays and Earth, edited, pp. 35-53, Kluwer.

324 Smart, D. F., M. A. Shea, and E. O. Flückiger (2000), Magnetospheric Models and Trajectory Computations, Space Sci. Rev., 93, 305-333.

325 Smart, D. F., M. A. Shea, and E. O. Flückiger (2000), Magnetospheric Models and Trajectory Computations, in Cosmic Rays and Earth, edited, pp. 305-333, Kluwer.

326 Bieber, J. W., E. Eroshenko, P. Evenson, E. O. Flückiger, and R. Kallenbach (Eds.) (2000), Cosmic Rays and Earth, Kluwer.

327 Desorgher, L., P. Bühler, A. Zehnder, and E. Flückiger (2000), Simulation of the Outer Radiation Belt Electron Flux Decrease During the March 26, 1995, Magnetic Storm, J. Geophys. Res., 105 (A9), 21,211-221,223.

328 Flückiger, E. O., and R. Bütikofer (2000), The Intensity-Time Profile of Forbush Decreases: Special Symmetry Features and Their Relation with Transient Structures in the Near-Earth Interplanetary Medium (Abstract), Paper SH1.3, paper presented at 17th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, July 24-28, 2000, Lódz, Poland.

329 Despotashvili, M. A., E. Flückiger, N. A. Nachkebia, and L. K. Shatashvili (2000), Rigidity Spectrum Parameters for Different Steps of Forbush Decreases (Abstract), Paper SH1.4, paper presented at 17th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, July 24-28, 2000, Lódz, Poland.

330 Smart, D. F., M. A. Shea, E. O. Flückiger, M. J. Golightly, and G. D. Badhwar (2000), Specifying the Solar Proton Environment at the International Space Station, paper presented at Chapman Conference on Space Weather: Progress and Challenges in Research and Applications, March 20-24, 2000, Clearwater, Florida.

331 Storini, M., G. A. Bazilevskaya, E. O. Flückiger, M. B. Krainev, V. S. Makhmutov, and A. I. Sladkova (2000), The Gnevyshev Gap: A Review for Space Weather, paper presented at 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 16-23, 2000, Warsaw.

332 Bazilevskaya, G. A., E. O. Flückiger, M. B. Krainev, V. S. Makhmutov, A. I. Sladkova, and M. Storini (2000), Frequency Distribution of Solar Energetic Particle Events over an 11-Year Solar Cycle (Abstract); Paper SH 4.3, paper presented at 17th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, July 24-28, 2000, Lódz, Poland.

333 Flückiger, E. O. (2000), Solar Particle Events and the International Space Station, in Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, edited, p. 38.

334 Flückiger, E. O. (in print), Space Weather in Europe, in Proc. of the Workshop on Future Research at the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory (STEL) of Nagoya University, November 13-14, 2000, edited.

335 Lockwood, J. A., W. R. Webber, and H. Debrunner (2001), Differences in the maximum intensities and the intensity-time profiles of cosmic rays in alternate solar magnetic field polarities, J. Geophys. Res, 106 (A6), 10,635.

336 Bazilevskaya, G. A., M. B. Krainev, V. S. Makhmutov, E. O. Flückiger, A. I. Sladkova, and M. Storini (2000), Structure of the maximum phase of solar cycles 21 and 22, Solar Physics, 197, 157-174.

337 Flückiger, E. O., and R. Bütikofer (2000), Neutron Monitor Data for Jungfraujoch and Bern During the Ground-Level Solar Cosmic Ray Event on 14 July 2000, internal reportRep.

338 Despotashvili, M. A., N. A. Nachkebia, E. O. Flückiger, and L. K. Shatashvili Parametri energeticheskogo spektra dlia raznikh phaz Forbush ponijenii, IZVESTIA Academii Nauk Rosii, (in Russian, in press).

339 Flückiger, E. O., and R. Bütikofer (2001), Neutron Monitor Data for Jungfraujoch and Bern during the Ground-Level Solar Cosmic Ray Event on 15 April 2001, internal reportRep.

340 Rank, G., J. Ryan, H. Debrunner, M. McConnell, and V. Schönfelder (2001), Extended Gamma-Ray Emissions of the Solar Flares in June 1991, A&A, 378, 1046-1066.

341 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, A. Chilingarian, G. Hovsepyan, Y. Muraki, Y. Matsubara, T. Sako, H. Tsuchiya, and T. Sakai (2001), Search for solar neutrons in association with large solar flares in July 2000 and March/April 2001, in 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, edited, pp. 3044-3047, Hamburg, Germany, August 07-15, 2001.

342 Takami, T., et al. (2001), Particle acceleration in thunderstorms, in 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, edited, pp. 4027-4030, Hamburg, Germany, August 07-15, 2001.

343 Nachkebia, N. A., M. A. Despotashvili, N. G. Khazaradze, M. V. Alania, T. B. Bochorishvili, E. T. Lagvilava, and E. O. Flückiger (2001), Annual variation of galactic cosmic ray intensity and the role of the heliospheric current sheet, in 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, edited, pp. 3865-3868, Hamburg, Germany, August 07-15, 2001.

344 Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, R. S. Miller, J. M. Ryan, J. R. Macri, and M. L. McConnell (2001), GEANT4 Monte Carlo simulation of the SONTRAC detector, in 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, edited, pp. 3065-3068, Hamburg, Germany, August 07-15, 2001.

345 Bütikofer, R., E. O. Flückiger, Y. Muraki, Y. Matsubara, T. Sako, H. Tsuchiya, and T. Sakai (2001), The upgraded solar neutron detector at Gornergrat, in 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, edited, pp. 3053-3055, Hamburg, Germany, August 07-15, 2001.

346 Nachkebia, N. A., M. A. Despotashvili, and E. O. Flückiger (2001), Rigidity dependence of two-step Forbush decreases, in 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, edited, pp. 3548-3551, Hamburg, Germany, August 07-15, 2001.

347 Despotashvili, M. A., N. A. Nachkebia, and E. O. Flückiger (2001), Recurrent variations and Forbush decreases of galactic cosmic ray intensity, in 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, edited, pp. 3489-3492, Hamburg, Germany, August 07-15, 2001.

348 Bazilevskaya, G. A., E. O. Flückiger, M. B. Krainev, V. S. Makhmutov, A. I. Sladkova, and M. Storini (2001), Distribution of solar energetic particle events over an 11-year solar cycle, in 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, edited, pp. 3413-3416, Hamburg, Germany, August 07-15, 2001.

349 Belov, A. V., R. B. Bütikofer, E. A. Eroshenko, E. O. Flückiger, and V. G. Yanke (2001), Analysis of the July 14, 2000, GLE (Abstract), in 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, edited, p. 3362, Hamburg, Germany, August 07-15, 2001.

350 Flückiger, E. (2001), An Exciting and Memorable Stay in Nagoya, in STEL Newsletter, edited.

351 Klecker, B., et al. (2001), Galactic Abundances: Report of Working Group 3, in AIP Conference Proceedings, edited, p. 207.

352 Desorgher, L. (2001), Application and test of the ESA Geant4 space modulesRep. ESTEC Contract no. 14982/00/NL/PB, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern, Bern, Switzerland.

353 Lockwood, J. A., H. Debrunner, E. O. Flückiger, and J. M. Ryan (2002), Solar Proton Rigidity Spectra from 1 to 10 GV of Selected Flare Events Since 1960, Solar Physics, 208, 113-140.

354 Flückiger, E. (2002), Cosmic Rays in Large-Scale Random Magnetic Fields and Media with Quasiperiodically Varied Conditions of PropagationRep., INTAS - Georgia 97 - 2023, final report.

355 Flückiger, E. O. (2002), The High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch, in CERN 2001 European School of High-Energy Physics, Proceedings,, edited, p. 385.

356 Ryan, J. M., L. Desorgher, E. Flückiger, J. R. Macri, M. L. McConnell, and R. S. Miller (2002), SONTRAC: an imaging spectrometer for solar neutrons, in SPIE Conf. Proc., Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation SPIE, August 22-28, 2002, edited, pp., 4853-4862, Waikoloa, Hawaii.

357 Flückiger, E. O. (2002), On the role of cosmic ray measurements in a European space weather programme (Abstract), paper presented at 18th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, July 8-12, 2002, Moscow.

358 Despotashvili, M. A., E. O. Flückiger, and N. A. Nachkebia (2002), Forbush decreases and solar activity dependence of the galactic cosmic ray recurrent variation (Abstract), paper presented at 18th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Moscow.

359 Belov, A. V., R. Bütikofer, E. A. Eroshenko, E. O. Flückiger, V. A. Oleneva, and V. G. Yanke (2002), Interplanetary magnetic field disturbances with particularly high cosmic ray modulation efficiency (Abstract), paper presented at 18th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, July 8-12, 2002, Moscow.

360 Moser, M. R. (2002), Solar Neutron Telescope Gornergrat Monte Carlo Simulation of Detector Properties, Diplomarbeit thesis, Universität Bern, Bern.

361 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, and M. R. Moser (2002), Cosmic ray measurements at Jungfraujoch and Gornergrat, paper presented at 182nd SAS Annual Meeting, 18-21 September 2002, Workshop on "Atmospheric Research at the Jungfraujoch and in the Alps", Davos, eds. Baltensperger, U. and D. Hirsch-Hoffmann.

362 Moser, M. R., L. Desorgher, and E. O. Flückiger (2003), Solar Neutron Telescope at Gornergrat: Monte Carlo Simulation of Detector Properties, paper presented at Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Basel, 20.-21. März.

363 Desorgher, L., and E. O. Flückiger (2003), Fully adiabatic variation of the Earth's outer electron belt during magnetic storms, paper presented at EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11 April, 2003.

363a Desorgher, L., and E. O. Flückiger (2003), Fully adiabatic variation of the Earth's outer electron belt during magnetic storms (Poster), paper presented at EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11 April, 2003.

364 Desorgher, L., M. R. Moser, and E.O.Flückiger (2003), Geant4 applications for propagation of cosmic rays through the Earth's magnetosphere and atmosphere, paper presented at Geant4 Space Users Forum, 20-22 January, 2003, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

365 Moser, M. R., E. O. Flückiger, R. Bütikofer, L. Desorgher, Y. Muraki, Y. Matsubara, T. Sako, H. Tsuchiya, and T. Sakai (2003), The solar neutron telescope at Gornergrat, paper presented at EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11 April, 2003.

365a Moser, M. R., E. O. Flückiger, R. Bütikofer, L. Desorgher, Y. Muraki, Y. Matsubara, T. Sako, H. Tsuchiya, and T. Sakai (2003), The solar neutron telescope at Gornergrat (Poster), paper presented at EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11 April, 2003.

366 Flückiger, E. O., and R. Bütikofer (2003), Global cosmic ray cutoff rigidity contours - A tool for the evaluation of production rates of cosmogenic nuclides, paper presented at EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11 April, 2003.

366a Flückiger, E. O., and R. Bütikofer (2003), Global cosmic ray cutoff rigidity contours - A tool for the evaluation of production rates of cosmogenic nuclides (Poster), paper presented at EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11 April, 2003.

367 Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, M. R. Moser, and R. Bütikofer (2003), Geant4 applications for simulating the propagation of cosmic rays through the Earth's magnetosphere and atmosphere, paper presented at EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11 April, 2003.

367a Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, M. R. Moser, and R. Bütikofer (2003), Geant4 applications for simulating the propagation of cosmic rays through the Earth's magnetosphere and atmosphere (Poster), paper presented at EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11 April, 2003.

368 Storini, M., G. A. Bazilevskaya, E. O. Flückiger, M. B. Krainev, V. S. Makhmutov, and A. I. Sladkova (2003), The Gnevyshev gap: a review for space weather, Adv. Space Res., 31(4), 895-900.

369 Moser, M. R., E. O. Flückiger, R. Bütikofer, L. Desorgher, Y. Muraki, Y. Matsubara, T. Sako, H. Tsuchiya, and T. Sakai (2003), GEANT applications for the interpretation of ground-based solar neutron observations, in in Conference Proceedings, 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 31-August 7, 2003, edited, pp. 3215-3218, Tsukuba, Japan.

369a Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, M. R. Moser, R. S. Miller, J. M. Ryan, J. R. Macri, and M. L. McConnell (2003), Estimation of the SONTRAC Detector Efficiency for Solar Flare Neutrons by Geant4 Monte Carlo Simulations (poster), in Conference Proceedings, 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 31-August 7, edited, Tsukuba, Japan.

370 Miller, R. S., J. R. Macri, M. L. McConnell, J. M. Ryan, E. Flückiger, and L. Desorgher (2003), SONTRAC: An imaging spectrometer for MeV neutrons, in Nucl. Instr. and Methods A505,, edited, pp. 36-40, Elsevier.

371 Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, M. R. Moser, R. S. Miller, J. M. Ryan, J. R. Macri, and M. L. McConnell (2003), Estimation of the SONTRAC Detector Efficiency for Solar Flare Neutrons by Geant4 Monte Carlo Simulations, in Conference Proceedings, 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 31-August 7, 2003, edited, pp. 3383-3386, Tsukuba, Japan.

371a Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, M. R. Moser, R. S. Miller, J. M. Ryan, J. R. Macri, and M. L. McConnell (2003), Estimation of the SONTRAC Detector Efficiency for Solar Flare Neutrons by Geant4 Monte Carlo Simulations (poster), in Conference Proceedings, 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 31-August 7, edited, Tsukuba, Japan.

372 Belov, A. V., R. Bütikofer, E. A. Eroshenko, E. O. Flückiger, V. A. Oleneva, and V. G. Yanke (2003), Interplanetary magnetic field disturbances with particularly high cosmic ray modulation efficiency, in in Conference Proceedings, 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 31-August 7, 2003, edited, pp. 3581-3584, Tsukuba, Japan.

373 Bütikofer, R., E. O. Flückiger, L. Desorgher, M. R. Moser, Y. Muraki, Y. Matsubara, T. Sako, H. Tsuchiya, and T. Sakai (2003), SONTEL-Measurements at Gornergrat and Environmental Radioactivity, in in Conference Proceedings, 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 31-August 7, 2003, edited, pp. 4189-4192, Tsukuba, Japan.

373a Bütikofer, R., E. O. Flückiger, L. Desorgher, M. R. Moser, Y. Muraki, Y. Matsubara, T. Sako, H. Tsuchiya, and T. Sakai (2003), SONTEL-Measurements at Gornergrat and Environmental Radioactivity (Poster), paper presented at 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 31-August 7, 2003.

374 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, L. Desorgher, and M. R. Moser (2003), Global Cosmic Ray Cutoff Rigidities over the past 2000 Years, in in Conference Proceedings, 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 31-August 7, 2003, edited, pp. 4229-4232, Tsukuba, Japan.

374a Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, L. Desorgher, and M. R. Moser (2003), Global Cosmic Ray Cutoff Rigidities over the past 2000 Years (Poster), paper presented at 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 31-August 7, 2003.

375 Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, M. R. Moser, and R. Bütikofer (2003), Geant4 Simulation of the Propagation of Cosmic Rays through the Earth's Atmosphere, in in Conference Proceedings, 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 31-August 7, 2003, edited, pp. 4277-4280, Tsukuba, Japan.

375a Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, M. R. Moser, and R. Bütikofer (2003), Geant4 Simulation of the Propagation of Cosmic Rays through the Earth's Atmosphere (Poster), paper presented at 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 31-August 7, 2003.

376 Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, R. Bütikofer, and M. R. Moser (2003), Geant4 application for simulating the propagation of cosmic rays through the Earth's magnetosphere (Abstract), in in Conference Proceedings, 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 31-August 7, 2003, edited, p. 4281, Tsukuba, Japan.

376a Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, R. Bütikofer, and M. R. Moser (2003), Geant4 application for simulating the propagation of cosmic rays through the Earth's magnetosphere (Poster), paper presented at Conference Proceedings, 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 31-August 7, 2003.

377 Smart, D. F., M. A. Shea, A. J. Tylka, and E. O. Flückiger (2003), Calculated vertical cutoff rigidities for the International Space Station using the Tsyganenko magnetospheric model for every two hours in UT, in in Conference Proceedings, 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 31-August 7, 2003, edited, pp., 4241-4244, Tsukuba, Japan.

378 Alania, M., M. A. Despotashvili, E. O. Flückiger, A. Gil, and N. A. Nachkebia (2003), Observed and expected features of the 27-day variations of galactic cosmic rays, in in Conference Proceedings, 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 31-August 7, 2003, edited, pp. 4087-4090, Tsukuba, Japan.

379 Muraki, Y., et al. (2003), Acceleration below thunder clouds at Mount Norikura, in in Conference Proceedings, 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 31-August 7, 2003, edited, pp., 4177-4180, Tsukuba, Japan.

380 Flückiger, E. O. (2003), The High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch, edited, Bern.

381 Flückiger, E. O., and R. Bütikofer (2003), Neutron monitors - study of solar and galactic cosmic raysRep., 95-98 pp, Activity Report 2002, International Foundation HFSJG, Bern.

382 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, M. R. Moser, and L. Desorgher (2003), SONTEL - Solar neutron telescope for the identification and the study of high-energy neutrons produced in energetic eruptions at the SunRep., 113-116 pp, Activity Report 2002, International Foundation HFSJG, Bern.

383 Muraki, Y., et al. (2003), Particle acceleration below thunderclouds at Mount Norikura, Baksan School Proceedings.

384 Kazil, J., E. R. Lovejoy, and L. Desorgher (2003), Galactic cosmic rays and ion induced aerosol production (Abstract A11E-0015), paper presented at Eos. Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.

385 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, L. Desorgher, and M. R. Moser (2003), Solar neutron observations at Jungfraujoch and Gornergrat, paper presented at International "Workshop on Cosmic Rays and Dark Matter", Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory (STEL), Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan.

386 Makhmutov, V. S., G. A. Bazilevskaya, L. Desorgher, and E. O. Flückiger (2004), Electron precipitation events in the atmosphere in October 2003, paper presented at MiFi, Russian Cosmic Ray Conference, June 7-11, 2004, Moscow.

387 Muraki, Y., et al. (2004), Effects of atmospheric electric fields on cosmic rays, Physical Review, D 69, 123010.

388 Muraki, Y., et al. (2004), The effects of atmospheric electric fields on cosmic rays (abstract), paper presented at Joint AOGS 1st Annual Meeting & 2nd APHW Conference, July 5-9 2004, Singapore.

389 Flückiger, E. O., and L. Desorgher (2004), Cosmic ray effects on ionization profiles in the Earth's atmosphere (Abstract), paper presented at Joint AOGS 1st Annual Meeting & 2nd APHW Conference, July 5-9 2004, Singapore.

390 Moser, M. R., E. O. Flückiger, R. S. Miller, J. M. Ryan, M. L. McConnell, and J. R. Macri (2004), SONTRAC - An imaging spectrometer for MeV neutrons (abstract), paper presented at COSPAR 2004, Paris.

390a Moser, M. R., E. O. Flückiger, R. S. Miller, J. M. Ryan, M. L. McConnell, and J. R. Macri (2004), SONTRAC - An imaging spectrometer for MeV neutrons (poster), paper presented at COSPAR 2004.

391 Moser, M. R., E. O. Flückiger, J. M. Ryan, M. L. McConnell, and J. R. Macri (2004), A fast neutron imaging telescope for inner heliosphere missions, paper presented at COSPAR 2004, Paris, submitted to Advances in Space Research.

391a Moser, M. R., E. O. Flückiger, J. M. Ryan, M. L. McConnell, and J. R. Macri (2004), A fast neutron imaging telescope for inner heliosphere missions (poster), paper presented at COSPAR 2004, Paris.

392 McKibben, R. B., J. J. Connell, J. R. Macri, M. L. McConnell, J. M. Ryan, E. O. Flückiger, M. R. Moser, J. C. Brown, and A. L. McKinnon (2004), Applications of a phoswich-based detector for fast (~1-10 MeV) solar neutrons for missions to the inner heliosphere, paper presented at COSPAR 2004, Paris, submitted to Advances in Space Research.

392a McKibben, R. B., J. J. Connell, J. R. Macri, M. L. McConnell, J. M. Ryan, E. O. Flückiger, M. R. Moser, J. C. Brown, and A. L. McKinnon (2004), Applications of a phoswich-based detector for fast (~1-10 MeV) solar neutrons for missions to the inner heliosphere (poster), paper presented at COSPAR 2004, Paris.

393 Moser, M. R., E. O. Flückiger, R. Bütikofer, L. Desorgher, Y. Muraki, Y. Matsubara, T. Sako, H. Tsuchiya, and T. Sakai (2004), The extreme solar events and the giant Forbush decrease in October/November 2003: analysis of ground-based cosmic ray data (abstract), paper presented at COSPAR 2004, Paris.

393a Moser, M. R., E. O. Flückiger, R. Bütikofer, L. Desorgher, Y. Muraki, Y. Matsubara, T. Sako, H. Tsuchiya, and T. Sakai (2004), The extreme solar events and the giant Forbush decrease in October/November 2003: analysis of ground-based cosmic ray data (poster), paper presented at COSPAR 2004, Paris.

394 Gurtner, M., L. Desorgher, E. O. Flückiger, and M. R. Moser (2004), Simulation of the interaction of space radiation with the Martian atmosphere and surface (abstract), paper presented at COSPAR 2004, Paris.

394a Gurtner, M., L. Desorgher, E. O. Flückiger, and M. R. Moser (2004), Simulation of the interaction of space radiation with the Martian atmosphere and surface (poster), paper presented at COSPAR 2004, Paris.

395 Gurtner, M., L. Desorgher, E. O. Flückiger, and M. R. Moser (2004), A GEANT4 application to simulate the interaction of space radiation with the Mercurian environment (abstract), paper presented at COSPAR 2004, Paris.

396 Makhmutov, V. S., G. A. Bazilevskaya, L. Desorgher, and E. O. Flückiger (2004), Precipitating electron events in October 2003 as observed in the polar atmosphere (abstract), paper presented at COSPAR 2004, Paris.

396a Makhmutov, V. S., G. A. Bazilevskaya, L. Desorgher, and E. O. Flückiger (2004), Precipitating electron events in October 2003 as observed in the polar atmosphere (poster), paper presented at COSPAR 2004, Paris.

397 Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, M. Gurtner, M. R. Moser, and R. Bütikofer (2004), ATMOCOSMICS: A Geant4 code for computing the interaction of cosmic rays with the Earth's atmosphere, paper presented at 19th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Florence, Italy.

397a Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, M. Gurtner, M. R. Moser, and R. Bütikofer (2004), ATMOCOSMICS: A Geant4 code for computing the interaction of cosmic rays with the Earth's atmosphere (poster), paper presented at 19th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Florence, Italy.

398 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, L. Desorgher, M. R. Moser, Y. Muraki, Y. Matsubara, T. Sako, H. Tsuchiya, and T. Sakai (2004), The giant Forbush decrease in October/November 2003: Data analysis for the solar neutron detector at Gornergrat, paper presented at 19th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Florence, Italy.

398a Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, L. Desorgher, M. R. Moser, Y. Muraki, Y. Matsubara, T. Sako, H. Tsuchiya, and T. Sakai (2004), The giant Forbush decrease in October/November 2003: Data analysis for the solar neutron detector at Gornergrat (poster), paper presented at 19th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Florence, Italy.

399 Moser, M. R., E. O. Flückiger, J. M. Ryan, M. L. McConnell, and J. R. Macri (2004), FNIT: A telescope for solar neutron observation from 3 to 100 MeV, paper presented at 19th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Florence, Italy.

399a Moser, M. R., E. O. Flückiger, J. M. Ryan, M. L. McConnell, and J. R. Macri (2004), FNIT: A telescope for solar neutron observation from 3 to 100 MeV (poster), paper presented at 19th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Florence, Italy.

400 Moser, M. R., L. Desorgher, E. O. Flückiger, R. S. Miller, J. M. Ryan, J. R. Macri, and M. L. McConnell (2005), Solar neutron observation at ground-level and from space, in Neutrinos and Explosive Events in the Universe, edited by M. M. S. e. a. (eds.), pp. 393-397.

401 Flückiger, E. O., and R. Bütikofer (2004), Neutron monitors - Study of solar and galactic cosmic raysRep., 109 pp, Activity Report 2003, International Foundation HFSJG.

402 Wilson, L. (2004), translation German-English of excerpts from "Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie, Neuer Folge, zweiter Jahrgang (neue Serie 2), 1859, edited by Prof. Dr. Heis in Münster, 1) Nr. 38 / Wednesday, September, 21, 1859, pages 297-300 and 302-303, 2) Nr. 43 / Wednesday, October 26, 1859, pages 340-343 3) Nr. 48. / Wednesday, November 30, 1859, pages 382-384, 4) Nr. 49 / Wednesday, December 7, 1859, pages 385-389 and 391, (on request of Dr. James L. Green, NASA, Greenbelt, MD)Rep.

403 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, M. R. Moser, and L. Desorgher (2004), SONTEL - Solar neutron telescope for the identification and the study of high-energy neutrons produced in energetic eruptions at the SunRep., 133-137 pp, Activity Report 2003, International Foundation HFSJG, Bern.

404 Flückiger, E. O., et al. (2004), Solar neutron events that have been found in solar cycle 23, paper presented at 19th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Florence, Italy (to be published in the International Journal of Modern Physics A).

405 Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, and R. Bütikofer (2005), Cosmic ray trajectory tracing in various geomagnetic field models, Abstract, paper presented at IAGA 2005, Toulouse, France, July 18-29.

406 Matsubara, Y., et al. (2005), Search for solar neutrons associated with proton flares in solar cycle 23, paper presented at 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Pune.

407 Belov, A. V., R. Bütikofer, E. Eroshenko, E. O. Flückiger, R. T. Gushchina, V. A. Oleneva, and V. G. Yanke (2005), Frequency of Forbush effects as an index of solar activity, paper presented at 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Pune.

408 Belov, A. V., L. Baisultanova, R. Bütikofer, E. Eroshenko, E. O. Flückiger, G. Mariatos, H. Mavromichalaki, V. Pchelkin, and V. G. Yanke (2005), Geomagnetic effects on cosmic rays during the very strong magnetic storms in November 2003 and November 2004, paper presented at 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Pune.

409 Yanke, V. G., L. Baisultanova, A. V. Belov, R. Bütikofer, E. Eroshenko, E. O. Flückiger, G. Mariatos, and H. Mavromichalaki (2005), Variations of geomagnetic cutoff rigidities during the series of geomagnetic storms in January 2005: observations and modeling, paper presented at 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Pune.

410 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, M. R. Moser, and L. Desorgher (2005), The cosmic ray ground level enhancement during the Forbush decrease in January 2005, paper presented at 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Pune.

411 Moser, M. R., J. M. Ryan, L. Desorgher, and E. O. Flückiger (2005), Atmospheric neutron measurements in the 10-170 MeV range, paper presented at 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Pune.

412 Moser, M. R., J. M. Ryan, U. Bravar, E. O. Flückiger, J. R. Macri, and M. L. McConnell (2005), Development of the Fast Neutron Imaging Telescope (FNIT), paper presented at 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Pune.

413 Flückiger, E. O. (2005), Extreme events and super storms (abstract), paper presented at Solar Extreme Events: Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects, International Symposium, Armenia.

414 Bravar, U., P. J. Bruillard, E. O. Flückiger, A. L. MacKinnon, J. R. Macri, P. C. Mallik, M. L. McConnell, M. R. Moser, and J. M. Ryan (2005), Imaging solar neutrons below 10 MeV in the innter heliosphere, paper presented at Solar Physics and Space Weather Instrumentation.

415 Gurtner, M. (2004), Propagation of cosmic rays in planetary atmospheres and magnetosphere: development of a Geant4 application, Diplomarbeit thesis, Universität Bern.

416 Ryan, J. M., J. R. Macri, M. L. McConnell, M. R. Moser, and R. Lin (2005), A fast neutron imager for inner heliosphere measurements (Abstract), paper presented at APR05 Meeting of The American Physical Society.

417 Bravar, U., P. J. Bruillard, E. O. Flückiger, J. R. Macri, A. L. MacKinnon, M. L. McConnell, M. R. Moser, J. M. Ryan, and R. S. Woolf (2005), Development of the Fast Neutron Imaging Telescope (Abstract), paper presented at IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Conf. Rec., N6-3, Puerto Rico.

418 Bravar, U., E. O. Flückiger, K. Godin, Z. C. Hansen, J. R. Macri, M. L. McConnell, R. S. Miller, M. R. Moser, and J. M. Ryan (2005), Atmospheric neutron measurements with the SONTRAC science model, paper presented at 2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Conf. rec., N14-126, Puerto Rico.

419 Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, M. Gurtner, M. R. Moser, and R. Bütikofer (2005), ATMOCOSMICS: A Geant4 code for computing the interaction of cosmic rays with the Earth's atmosphere, International Journal of Modern Physics A, 20(29), 6802-6804.

420 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, L. Desorgher, M. R. Moser, Y. Muraki, Y. Matsubara, T. Sako, H. Tsuchiya, and T. Sakai (2005), The giant Forbush decrease in October/November 2003: Data analysis for the solar neutron detector at Gornergrat, International Journal of Modern Physics A, 20(29), 6684-6687.

421 Moser, M. R., E. O. Flückiger, J. M. Ryan, M. L. McConnell, and J. R. Macri (2005), FNIT: A telescope for solar neutron observation from 3 to 100 MeV, International Journal of Modern Physics A, 20(29), 6720-6723.

422 Moser, M. R., L. Desorgher, E. O. Flückiger, R. S. Miller, J. M. Ryan, J. R. Macri, and M. L. McConnell (2005), Solar neutron observation at ground-level and from space, in Neutrinos and Explosive Events in the Universe, edited by M. M. Shapiro, Stanev, T., Wefel, J.P., eds., pp. 393-397, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

423 Moser, M. R., E. O. Flückiger, J. M. Ryan, J. R. Macri, and M. L. McConnell (2005), A fast neutron imaging telescope for inner heliosphere missions, Adv. Space Research, 36(8), 1399-1405.

424 McKibben, R. B., J. J. Connell, J. R. Macri, M. L. McConnell, J. M. Ryan, E. O. Flückiger, M. R. Moser, J. C. Brown, and A. L. MacKinnon (2005), Applications of a Phoswich-based Detector for Fast (~1-10 MeV) Solar Neutrons for Missions to the Inner Heliosphere, Adv. Space Research, 36(8), 1432-1438.

425 Gurtner, M., L. Desorgher, E. O. Flückiger, and M. R. Moser (2005), Simulation of the interaction of space radiation with the Martian atmosphere and surface, Adv. Space Research, 36, 2176-2181.

426 Desorgher, L., and E. O. Flückiger (2005), Cosmic ray induced atmospheric ionisation (Abstract), paper presented at The Second European Space Weather Week, 14-18 November 2005, European Space Research and Technology Centre, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

427 Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, I. Usoskin, and P. Velinov (2005), Cosmic ray induced ionisation in the Earth's atmosphere (poster), paper presented at The Second European Space Weather Week, 14-18 November 2005, European Space Research and Technology Centre, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

428 Despotashvili, M. A., E. O. Flückiger, and N. A. Nachkebia (2001), The heliospheric current sheet tilt and 27-day variation of the galactic cosmic ray intensity, Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, 6((B)), 112-118.

429 Calogovic, J., J. Beer, L. Desorgher, and E. O. Flückiger (2005), Forbush decreases and cloud cover (abstract), paper presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.

430 Flückiger, E. O., et al. (2005), Solar neutron events that have been found in solar cycle 23, International Journal of Modern Physics A, 20, No. 29, 6646-6649.

431 Gurtner, M., L. Desorgher, and E. O. Flückiger (2005), Simulation of space radiation effects on Mars and Mercury, paper presented at Geophysical Research Abstracts.

432 Gurtner, M., L. Desorgher, and E. O. Flückiger (2005), Simulation of space radiation effects on Mars and Mercury (poster), paper presented at EGU General Assembly 2005, Vienna.

433 Bravar, U., P. J. Bruillard, E. O. Flückiger, J. R. Macri, M. L. McConnell, M. R. Moser, and J. M. Ryan (2006), FNIT: the Fast Neutron Imaging Telescope for SNM detection, paper presented at SPIE Defense & Security Symposium, Orlando (Kissimmee) FL, USA, 17-21 April.

434 Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, R. Bütikofer, and M. R. Moser (2006), Effects of the extreme cosmic ray ground level enhancement on January 20, 2005, at aircraft altitude (Poster), paper presented at 3rd European Space Weather Week, 13-17 November, 2006, Brussels, Belgium.

435 Bütikofer, R., E. O. Flückiger, M. R. Moser, and L. Desorgher (2005), The extreme cosmic ray ground level enhancement on January 20, 2005, paper presented at SEE-2005, Nor Amberd, Armenia. 43

6 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, M. R. Moser, and L. Desorgher (2006), The extreme solar cosmic ray particle event on January 20, 2005 (Abstract), paper presented at Swiss Physical Society SPS, Jahrestagung, Lausanne.

437 Gurtner, M., L. Desorgher, E. O. Flückiger, and M. R. Moser (2006), A Geant4 application to simulate the interaction of space radiation with the Mercurian environment, Adv. Space Res., 37, 1759-1763.

438 Beck, P., et al. (2006 in print), Validation of modelling the radiation exposure due to solar particle events in aircraft altitudes, paper presented at Second European International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) Congress, Paris.

439 Wilson, L. (2006), Excerpts from and comments on the Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie and Geographie, New Folge, zweiter Jahrgang (new series 2), Adv. Space Res., 38, 304-312.

440 Moser, M. R. (2006), Theoretical contributions to the development of neutron scatter telescopes for fast solar neutron observation in space, PhD thesis, Universität Bern.

441 Calogovic, J., L. Desorgher, and E. O. Flückiger (2005), Forbush decreases and cloud cover (Poster), paper presented at American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2005, San Francisco.

442 Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, R. Bütikofer, and M. R. Moser (2006), Effects of the extreme cosmic ray ground level enhancement on January 20, 2005, at aircraft altitude (Abstract), paper presented at Third European Space Weather Week, 13-17 November 2006, European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk.

443 Jansen, F., et al. (2006), MuSTAnG -- the first European space weather telescope in the International Space Weather Muon Telescope Network (Abstract), paper presented at Third European Space Weather Week, 13-17 November 2006, European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk.

444 Muraki, Y., et al. (2006 (in print)), Detection of solar neutrons and protons by ground level detectors, paper presented at 20th European cosmic Ray Symposium ECRS, Lisbon, Portugal.

445 Dartnell, L. R., L. Desorgher, J. M. Ward, and A. J. Coates (2007), Modelling the surface and subsurface Martian radiation environment: Implications for astrobiology, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L02207, doi:10.1029/2006GL027494.

446 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, M. R. Moser, and L. Desorgher (2006), Effects of the extreme cosmic ray ground level enhancement on January 20, 2005, at aircraft altitude (abstract), paper presented at AOGS Asia Oceania Geosciences Society's 3rd Annual Meeting, Singapore.

447 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, M. R. Moser, and L. Desorgher (2006), The ground level enhancement on January 20, 2005, in the context of extreme solar cosmic ray particle events and geomagnetic super storms (abstract), paper presented at AOGS Asis Oceania Geosciences Society's 3rd Annual Meeting, Singapore.

448 Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, and M. Gurtner (2006), The PLANETOCOSMICS Geant4 application (abstract), paper presented at AOGS Asia Oceania Geosciences Society's 3rd Annual Meeting, Singapore.

449 Makhmutov, V. S., L. Desorgher, G. A. Bazilevskaya, E. O. Flückiger, and J.-P. Raulin (2006), Evaluation of primary solar proton spectra using balloon cosmic ray observations and Monte Carlo simulation results (abstract nr COSPAR2006-A-02920, Paper Number E2.3-0075-6), paper presented at 36th COSPAR scientific assembly, Beijing, China.

450 Calogovic, J., L. Desorgher, E. O. Flückiger, and J. Beer (2006), Forbush decreases and cloud cover (abstract nr COSPAR2006-A-01976, paper nr C2.1-0031-06), paper presented at 36th COSPAR scientific assembly, Beijing, China.

451 Dartnell, L. R., L. Desorgher, A. J. Coates, and J. M. Ward (2006), Modelling the Martian radiation environment and implications for astrobiology (abstract nr COSPAR2006-A-02386, paper nr F3.3-0006-06), paper presented at 36th COSPAR scientific assembly, Beijing, China.

452 Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, and R. Bütikofer (2006), Simulation of the interaction of GCR and SCR with the Earth's atmosphere (abstract nr COSPAR2006-A-02278, paper nr C2.1-0004-06), paper presented at 36th COSPAR scientific assembly, Beijing, China.

453 Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, and M. Gurtner (2006), The PLANETOCOSMICS Geant4 application (abstract nr COSPAR2006-A-02361, paper nr F2.2-0043-06), paper presented at 36th COSPAR scientific assembly, Beijing, China.

454 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, L. Desorgher, and M. R. Moser (2006), The role of GLEs in space weather (abstract nr COSPAR2006-A-03042, paper nr D2.4-0004-06), paper presented at 36th COSPAR scientific assembly, Beijing, China.

455 Bütikofer, R., L. Desorgher, E. O. Flückiger, and M. R. Moser (2006), Analysis of the GLE on January 20, 2005: an update (abstract), paper presented at 20th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Lisboa, Portugal.

456 Moser, M. R., J. M. Ryan, L. Desorgher, and E. O. Flückiger (2006), Deconvolution of ground-based atmospheric neutron data from 10 to 170 MeV (abstract), paper presented at 20th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Lisboa, Portugal.

457 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, L. Desorgher, and M. R. Moser (2006), Magnetosheath effect and GLE analysis (abstract), paper presented at 20th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Lisboa, Portugal.

458 Calogovic, J., J. Beer, L. Desorgher, and E. O. Flückiger (2006), Forbush decreases and cloud cover (abstract), paper presented at 20th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Lisboa, Portugal.

459 Calogovic, J., J. Beer, L. Desorgher, and E. O. Flückiger (2006), Forbush decreases and cloud cover (abstract), paper presented at Research at Jungfraujoch "Top of Science", International conference in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch, Interlaken, Switzerland, September 11-14.

460 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, M. R. Moser, and L. Desorgher (2006), The extreme solar cosmic ray particle event on January 20, 2005 (abstract), paper presented at Research at Jungfraujoch "Top of Science", International conference in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch, Interlaken, Switzerland, September 11-14.

461 Woolf, R. S., U. Bravar, P. J. Bruillard, E. O. Flückiger, J. R. Macri, A. L. MacKinnon, M. L. McConnell, M. R. Moser, and J. M. Ryan (2006), Development of a Fast Neutron Imaging Telescope (FNIT) for the Inner Heliosphere (abstract), paper presented at 37th Meeting of the AAS Solar Physics Division, Durham, NH, USA.

462 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, M. R. Moser, and L. Desorgher (2006), The extreme solar cosmic ray particle event on January 20, 2005 (poster), paper presented at SPG Jahrestagung, Lausanne, Switzerland.

463 Beck, P., et al. (2006), Validation of modelling the radiation exposure due to solar particle events at aircraft altitudes (poster), paper presented at Second European International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) Congress, Paris.

464 Calogovic, J., L. Desorgher, E. O. Flückiger, and J. Beer (2006), Forbush decreases and cloud cover, poster presentation C2.1-0031-06, paper presented at 36th COSPAR scientific assembly, Beijing, China.

465 Dartnell, L. R., L. Desorgher, A. J. Coates, and J. M. Ward (2006), Modelling the Martian radiation environment and implications for astrobiology, poster presentation F3.3-0006-06, paper presented at 36th COSPAR scientific assembly, Beijing, China.

466 Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, and M. Gurtner (2006), The PLANETOCOSMICS Geant4 application, poster presentation F2.2-0043-06, paper presented at 36th COSPAR scientific assembly, Beijing, China.

467 Makhmutov, V. S., L. Desorgher, G. A. Bazilevskaya, E. O. Flückiger, and J.-P. Raulin (2006), Evaluation of primary solar proton spectra using balloon cosmic ray observations and Monte Carlo simulation results (poster presentation E2.3-0075-6), paper presented at 36th COSPAR scientific assembly, Beijing, China.

468 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, L. Desorgher, and M. R. Moser (2006), Magnetosheath effect and GLE analysis (poster), paper presented at 20th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Lisboa, Portugal.

469 Bütikofer, R., L. Desorgher, E. O. Flückiger, and M. R. Moser (2006), Analysis of the GLE on January 20, 2005: an update (poster), paper presented at 20th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Lisboa, Portugal.

470 Moser, M. R., J. M. Ryan, A. L. MacKinnon, L. Desorgher, and E. O. Flückiger (2006), Deconvolution of ground-based atmospheric neutron data from 10 to 170 MeV (poster), paper presented at 20th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Lisboa, Portugal.

471 Calogovic, J., J. Beer, L. Desorgher, and E. O. Flückiger (2006), Forbush decreases and cloud cover (poster), paper presented at 20th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Lisboa, Portugal.

472 Calogovic, J., J. Beer, L. Desorgher, and E. O. Flückiger (2006), Forbush decreases and cloud cover (poster), paper presented at Research at Jungfraujoch "Top of Science", International conference in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch, Interlaken, Switzerland, September 11-14.

473 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, M. R. Moser, and L. Desorgher (2006), The extreme solar cosmic ray particle event on January 20, 2005 (poster), paper presented at Research at Jungfraujoch "Top of Science", International conference in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch, September 11-14, Interlaken, Switzerland.

474 Flückiger, E. O., and R. Bütikofer (2006), Neutronen monitors - study of solar and galactic cosmic raysRep., 121-125 pp, International Foundation High Altitude Research Stations Jungfraujoch and Gornergrat, Bern, Switzerland.

475 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, M. R. Moser, and L. Desorgher (2006), SONTEL - Solar Neutron Telescope for the identification and the study of high-energy neutrons produced in energetic eruptions at the SunRep., 181-183 pp, International Foundation High Altitude Research Stations Jungfraujoch and Gornergrat.

476 Moser, M. R., J. M. Ryan, U. Bravar, J. J. Connell, E. O. Flückiger, A. L. MacKinnon, J. R. Macri, M. L. McConnell, and R. B. McKibben (2006), SONNE: A telescope for imaging solar neutrons below 30 MeV in the inner heliosphere, paper presented at Second Solar Orbiter Workshop (ESA SP-641), October 16-20, 2006, Athens, Greece.

477 Bravar, U., P. J. Bruillard, E. O. Flückiger, J. R. Macri, M. L. McConnell, M. R. Moser, J. M. Ryan, and R. S. Woolf (2006), Design and testing of a position-sensitive plastic scintillator detector for fast neutron imaging, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 53, 6, 3894-3903.

478 Makhmutov, V. S., L. Desorgher, G. A. Bazilevskaya, E. O. Flückiger, and J.-P. Raulin (2007), Evaluation of solar proton spectra using balloon cosmic ray observations and Monte Carlo simulation results, Adv. Space Res., 39, 1460-1463.

479 Beck, P., et al. (2007), Validation of modelling the radiation exposure due to solar particle events in aircraft altitudes, paper presented at EURADOS Newsletter: News in European research and studies for radiobiology, dosimetry and radiation protection, Newsletter No: 20, Story ID: 230191, May 30.

480 Flückiger, E. O. (2008), "Solar and Galactic Cosmic Ray Acceleration and Modulation", INTAS Project Ref. Nr. 06-1000017-8777, University of Bern UBERN Team Progress ReportRep.

481 Scherer, K., et al. (2007), Interstellar-terrestrial relations: variable cosmic environments, the dynamic heliosphere, and their imprints on terrestrial archives and climate, Space Science Reviews, 127, issues 1-4, 327-465, DOI: 310.1007/s11214-11006-19126-11216.

482 Dartnell, L. R., L. Desorgher, J. M. Ward, and A. J. Coates (2007), Martian sub-surface ionising radiation: biosignature and geology, Biogeosciences, 4, 545-448.

483 Morthekai, P., M. Jain, L. R. Dartnell, A. S. Murray, L. Botter-Jensen, and L. Desorgher (2007), Modelling of the dose-rate variations with depth in the Martian regolith using GEANT4, NIM A, 580, 667.

484 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, M. R. Moser, and L. Desorgher (2007), The cosmic ray ground level enhancements on January 10, 2005, and December 13, 2006, paper presented at European Geosciences Union 2007.

485 Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, and M. Gurtner (2007), A GEANT4 based computer code for simulating the interaction of space radiations with planets, paper presented at European Geosciences Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts 9, 07654.

486 Bravar, U., P. J. Bruillard, E. O. Flückiger, A. L. MacKinnon, J. R. Macri, M. L. McConnell, A. Motamarri, M. R. Moser, J. M. Ryan, and R. S. Woolf (2007), Imaging 2-20 MeV solar neutrons in the inner heliosphere with the FNIT detector (Abstract), paper presented at APS April Meeting, Jacksonville, Florida.

487 Hippler, R., A. Chilingarian, E. O. Flückiger, and L. Dorman (2007), Solar and galactic ray particle acceleration and modulation (Abstract), paper presented at Workshop INTAS - South-Caucasus 2007 Scientific Cooperation and Collaborative Call, 28-30 March 2007, Tbilisi, Georgia.

488 Bütikofer, R., E. O. Flückiger, M. R. Moser, and L. Desorgher (2007), Environmental effects on the neutron monitor measurements at high altitudes as observed at Jungfraujoch, in Stamenov J., and B. Vachev (Eds.), Observatoire de Montagne de Moussala OM2, fascicule 12, paper presented at BEOBAL FP6 Project Conference "Global Changes, Environment, Sustainable Development of the Society and High Mountain Observatories Network", Gyuletchiza, Rila Mountain, Bulgaria.

489 Flückiger, E. O., and R. Bütikofer (2007), Swiss Neutron Monitors, paper presented at International Workshop on fifty years of continuous records by the world-wide network of cosmic ray detectors, Mérida, Mexico.

490 Bütikofer, R., E. O. Flückiger, and L. Desorgher (2007), Characteristics of near real-time cutoff calculations on a local and global scale, Paper 1032, paper presented at 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference ICRC-07, 3-11 July, 2007, Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico.

491 Flückiger, E. O., M. R. Moser, R. Bütikofer, L. Desorgher, and B. Pirard (2007), A parameterized neutron monitor yield function for space weather applications, Paper 1182, paper presented at 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC-07, 3-11 July, 2007, Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico.

492 Matsubara, Y., et al. (2007), Search for solar neutrons associated with series of X-class flares during the declining period of solar cycle 23, Paper 191, paper presented at 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC-07, 3-11 July, 2007, Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico.

493 Muraki, Y., et al. (2007), Detection of high-energy solar neutrons and protons by ground level detectors on April 15, 2001, Paper 99, paper presented at 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC-07, 3-11 July, 2007, Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico.

494 Flückiger, E. O. (2007), Characteristics of the cosmic ray ground level enhancements on January 20, 2005, and December 13, 2006, as obtained from world-wide neutron monitor data, paper presented at Solar Extreme Events 2007 (SEE 2007) International Symposium, September, 2007, Athens, Greece.

495 Bütikofer, R., E. O. Flückiger, L. Desorgher, M. R. Moser, and B. Pirard (2007), The cosmic ray ground level enhancement on 13 December 2006, paper presented at Solar Extreme Events 2007 (SEE 2007) International Symposium, September, 2007, Athens, Greece.

496 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, B. Pirard, and L. Desorgher (2007), The Swiss Neutron Monitors, paper presented at Workshop on Neutron Monitors, "The present and future of NMs", September, 2007, Athens, Greece.

497 Desorgher, L., E. O. Flückiger, R. Bütikofer, and M. Gurtner (2007), The PLANETOCOSMICS Geant4 Application (Poster), paper presented at European Geosciences EGU General Assembly, 16-20 April 2007, Vienna, Austria.

498 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, M. R. Moser, and L. Desorgher (2007), The cosmic ray ground level enhancements on January 20, 2005, and December 13, 2006 (Poster), paper presented at European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly, 16-20 April, 2007, Vienna, Austria.

499 Bütikofer, R., E. O. Flückiger, and L. Desorgher (2007), Characteristics of near real-time cutoff calculations on a local and global scale (Poster), paper presented at 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC-07, 3-11 July, 2007, Mérida, Yucatan, México.

500 Bütikofer, R., E. O. Flückiger, L. Desorgher, M. R. Moser, and B. Pirard (2007), The cosmic ray ground level enhancement on 13 December 2006 (Poster), paper presented at Solar Extreme Events 2007 (SEE 2007) International Symposium, September 2007, Athens, Greece.

501 Flückiger, E. O., and R. Bütikofer (2006), Neutron Monitors - Study of solar and galactic cosmic raysRep., 117-120 pp, International Foundation High Altitude Research Stations Jungfraujoch and Gornergrat, Bern, Switzerland.

502 Flückiger, E. O., R. Bütikofer, M. R. Moser, and L. Desorgher (2007), SONTEL - Solar Neutron Telescope for the identification and the study of high-energy neutrons produced in energetic eruptions at the SunRep., 149-151 pp, International Foundation High Altitude Research Stations Jungfraujoch and Gornergrat, Bern, Switzerland.

503 Flückiger, E. O., and R. Bütikofer (2007), Neutron monitor data for Jungfraujoch and Bern during the ground-level solar cosmic ray event on 13 December 2006, paper presented at Data Report, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern.

504 Beck, P., et al. (2007), Validation of modelling the radiation exposure due to solar particle events in aircraft altitudes, paper presented at CONRAD Work package 6: Sub-group (B) progress report, EURADOS Newsletter: News in European research and studies for radiobiology, dosimetry and radiation protection, Newsletter No. 20, Story ID: 230191, June.

505 Bottollier, J.-F. (2007), for CONRAD Work package 6, Notification of ground level event: December 13, 2006, paper presented at EURADOS Newsletter No. 20, ISSN 1627-3699, June.

506 Bravar, U., et al. (2007), Design optimization and performance capabilities of the fast neutron imaging telescope (FNIT) (Abstract), ISSN: 1082-3654, paper presented at Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, NSS '07, IEEE.

507 Beck, P., et al. (2006), Validation of modelling the radiation exposure due to solar particle events in aircraft altitudes, paper presented at Second European IRPA Congress on Radiation Protection, May 15-19, 2006, Paris, France.

508 Bütikofer, R., E. O. Flückiger, L. Desorgher, and M. R. Moser (2008), The extreme solar cosmic ray particle event on 20 January 2006 and its influence on the radiation dose rate at aircraft altitude, Science of the total environment, 391, nr 2-3, 177-183.

509 Beck, P., et al. (2007), Validation of modelling the radiation exposure due to solar particle events in aircraft altitudes (Full report), CONRAD Work package 6: Sub-group (B) progress report, EURADOS Newsletter: News in European research and studies for radiobiology, dosimetry and radiation protection, Newsletter No. 20, Story ID: 230191, June.

510 Makhmutov, V. S., L. Desorgher, G. A. Bazilevskaya, E. O. Flückiger, and J.-P. Raulin (2006), Evaluation of primary solar proton spectra using balloon cosmic ray observations and Monte Carlo simulation results (Poster), paper presented at 36th COSPAR scientific assembly, Beijing, China.

511 Kohler, T. (2007), Zeichen für neuen Sonnenzyklus?, in Zeitung im Espace Mittelland, edited, Bern.

512 Flückiger, E. O. (2007), Ground level events and terrestrial effects (cutoffs, cosmic rays in the atmosphere, cosmogenic nuclides), paper presented at 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Mérida, México.

513 Muraki, Y., et al. (2008), Detection of high-energy solar neutrons and proton by ground level detectors on April 15, 2001, Astroparticle Physics, 29, 229-242.

514 Bravar, U., P. J. Bruillard, E. O. Flückiger, J. S. Legere, J. R. Macri, B. Pirard, J. M. Ryan, and R. S. Woolf (2008), Construction and testing of the Fast Neutron Imaging Telescope (FNIT) prototype detector (submitted), IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.

515 Mallik, P. C., et al. (2008), Solar neutron astronomy in the inner heliosphere (abstract), paper presented at RAS National Astronomy Meeting 2008, March 31-April 04, Queen's University Belfast.

516 Pirard, B., U. Bravar, E. O. Flückiger, J. R. Macri, P. C. Mallik, M. L. McConnell, A. L. MacKinnon, M. R. Moser, J. M. Ryan, and R. S. Woolf (2008), Simulation of solar neutron spectrometer for future space missions in the inner heliosphere, from prototype calibrations to flight instrument performances (abstract), paper presented at EGU General Assembly, Vienna.

517 Steigies, C. T. (2008), NMDB: real-time database for high resolution neutron monitor measurements (abstract), paper presented at EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna.

518 Pirard, B., J. M. Ryan, E. O. Flückiger, and U. Bravar (2008), Study of a fast neutron telescope for remote planetary neutron spectroscopy (abstract), paper presented at EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna.

519 Woolf, R. S., U. Bravar, J. R. Macri, M. L. McConnell, J. M. Ryan, E. O. Flückiger, M. R. Moser, B. Pirard, A. L. MacKinnon, and P. C. Mallik (2008), Development and characterizeation of SONNE - a Fast Neutron Spectrometer for the Solar Orbiter Mission to the inner heliosphere (abstract), paper presented at AGU Joint Assembly, May 27-30, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.

520 Bazilevskaya, G. A., et al. (2008), Cosmic ray induced ion production in the atmosphere, Space Science Reviews, DOI 10.1007/s11214-008-9339-y, 137, 149-173.

521 Klein, K.-L., E. O. Flückiger, S. Masson, and R. Bütikofer (2008), The relativistic solar particle event of 2005 Januar 20: a comparative analysis of neutron monitor observations and electromagnetic signatures of particle acceleration in the corona (abstract), paper presented at 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Montreal.

522 Pirard, B., L. Desorgher, B. Diez, and O. Gasnault (2008), Modeling the Martian neutron and gamma-ray leakage fluxes using GEANT4 (abstract), paper presented at 37th COSPAR Scientific assembly, Montreal.

523 McKibben, R. B., J. J. Connell, C. M. Bancroft, U. Bravar, B. Pirard, and J. R. Wood (2008), Development of a miniature Phoswich-based detector for 1-10 MeV solar neutrons (abstract), paper presented at 37th COSPAR Scientific assembly, Montreal.

524 Flückiger, E. O., and R. Bütikofer (2008), SONTEL - Solar Neutron Telescope for the identification and the study of high energy neutrons produced in energetic eruptions at the sun, Rep., International Foundation High Altitude Research Stations Jungfraujoch and Gornergrat, Bern.

525 Flückiger, E. O., and R. Bütikofer (2008), Neutron monitors - Study of solar and galactic cosmic raysRep., International Foundation High Altitude Research Stations Jungfraujoch and Gornergrat, Bern.

526 Kohler, T. (2007), Astronomie: Zeichen für neuen Sonnenzyklus (interview with E. Flückiger), in Zeitung im Espace Mittelland, edited, p. 11, Bern.

527 Mironova, I. A., L. Desorgher, I. Usoskin, E. O. Flückiger, and R. Bütikofer (2008), Variations of aerosol optical properties during the extreme solar event in January 2005, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35.

528 Desorgher, L., K. Kudela, E. O. Flückiger, R. Bütikofer, M. Storini, and V. Kalegaev (2008), Comparison of Earth's magnetospheric magnetic field models in the context of cosmic ray physics, Acta Geophysica, 57.

529 Usoskin, I., L. Desorgher, P. Velinov, M. Storini, E. O. Flückiger, R. Bütikofer, and G. A. Kovaltsov (2009), Ionization of the Earth's atmosphere by solar and galactic cosmic rays, Acta Geophysica, 57(1), 88-101.

530 Vaino, R., et al. (2009), Dynamics of the Earth's particle radiation environment, Space Science Reviews, 147, 187-231.

531 Pirard, B., et al. (2009), Test and simulation of a Fast Neutron Imaging Telescope, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, (in press).

532 Masson, S., K.-L. Klein, R. Bütikofer, E. O. Flückiger, V. Kurt, B. Yushkov, and S. Krucker (2009), Acceleration of relativistic protons during the 20 January 2005 flare and CME, Solar Physics, 27(2), 305-322.

533 Bütikofer, R., E. O. Flückiger, L. Desorgher, M. R. Moser, and B. Pirard (2009), The solar cosmic ray ground-level enhancements on 20 January 2005 and 13 December 2006, Adv. Space Res., 43, 499-503.

534 Bottollier, J.-F., et al. (2009), Comparison of codes assessing galactic cosmic radiation exposure of aircraft crew, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 136(4), 317-323.

535 Gronoff, G., J. Lilensten, L. Desorgher, and E. O. Flückiger (2009), Ionization processes in the atmosphere of Titan: I. Ionization in the whole atmosphere, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 506, 955-964.

536 Flückiger, E. O., and R. Bütikofer (2009), Swiss neutron monitors and cosmic ray research at Jungfraujoch, J. Adv. Space Res., 44(10), 1155-1159.

537 Bütikofer, R., E. O. Flückiger, B. Pirard, and L. Desorgher (2009), Effective radiation dose for selected intercontinental flights during the GLEs on 20 January 2005 and 13 December 2006, paper presented at Proc. 21st European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Kosice, Slovakia.

538 Usoskin, I., L. Desorgher, P. Velinov, M. Storini, E. O. Flückiger, R. Bütikofer, and G. A. Kovaltsov (2009), Ionization of the Earth's atmosphere by solar and galactic cosmic rays, Acta Geophysica, 57(1), 88-101.

539 Desorgher, L., K. Kudela, E. O. Flückiger, R. Bütikofer, M. Storini, and V. Kalegaev (2009), Comparison of Earth's magnetospheric magnetic field models in the context of cosmic ray physics, Acta Geophysica, 57(1), 75-87.

540 Flückiger, E. O. (2009), Ground level events and terrestrial effects (cutoffs, cosmic rays in the atmosphere, cosmogenic nuclides), paper presented at Proc. of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Mérida, México.

541 Lilensten, J., G. Provan, S. Grimald, A. Brekke, E. O. Flückiger, P. Vanlommel, C. S. Wedlund, M. Barthélémy, and P. Garnier (2013), The Planeterrella experiment: from individual initiative to networking, Space Weather Space Clim, 3, A07.

542 Mavromichalaki, H., et al. (2008), Applications and usage of the real-time neutron monitor database for solar particle events monitoring, in 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, edited, Montreal, Canada.

543 Masson, S., K.-L. Klein, R. Bütikofer, E. O. Flückiger, V. Kurt, B. Yushkov, and S. Krucker (2009), Acceleration of Relativistic Protons During the 20 January 2005 Flare and CME, Solar Physics, 257(2), 305-322.

544 Bütikofer, R., and E. O. Flückiger (2009), Near real-time determination of ionization and radiation dose rates induced by cosmic rays in the earth's atmosphere - a NMDB application, paper presented at 31st ICRC, Lodz.

545 Boulon, J., et al. (2010), New particle formation and ultrafine charged aerosol climatology at a high altitude site in the Alps (Jungfraujoch, 3580 m a.s.l., Switzerland) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, 9333-9349.

546 Mavromichalaki, H., et al. (2011), Applications and usage of the real-time Neutron Monitor Database, Advances in Space Research, 47(12), 2210-2222.

547 Bütikofer, R., and E. O. Flückiger (2011), Radiation doses along selected flight profiles during two extreme solar cosmic ray events, Astrophysics and Space Sciences Transactions, 7, 105-109.

548 Bütikofer, R., and E. O. Flückiger (2013), Differences in published characteristics of GLE60 and their consequences on computed radiation dose rates along selected flight paths, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 409, 012166.

549 Kubančák, J., I. Ambrožová, R. Bütikofer, K. Kudela, R. Langer, M. Davídková, O. Ploc, A. Malušek (2014), Liulin silicon semiconductor spectrometers as cosmic ray monitors at the high mountain observatories Jungfraujoch and Lomnický štít, Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 9, Issue 07.

550 Steigies, C., K.-L. Klein, R. Bütikofer (2014), The Neutron Monitor database as a tool for space weather, education, and public outreach, EGU General Assembly 2014, held 27 April - 2 May, 2014 in Vienna, Austria, id.7419.

551 Bütikofer, R., E. O. Flückiger, Y. Balabin, A. Belov (2015), The reliability of GLE analysis based on neutron monitor data - a critical review, Proceedings, 24th European Cosmic Ray Symposium (ECRS 2014) : Kiel, Germany, September 1-5, 2014, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 632, no.1.

552 Bütikofer, R. and E. Flückiger (2015), What are the causes for the spread of GLE parameters deduced from NM data?, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 632, Issue 1.

553 Malandraki, O., K.-L. Klein, R. Vainio, N. Agueda, M. Núñez, B. Heber, R. Buetikofer, C. Sarlanis, N. Crosby, G. Share, A.J. Tylka (2015), High Energy Solar Particle Events foRecastIng and Analysis: The HESPERIA Project, Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015). 30 July - 6 August, 2015. The Hague, The Netherlands.

554 Klein, K. L., N. Agueda, R. Buetikofer (2015), On the origin of relativistic solar particle events: interplanetary transport modelling and radio emission, Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015). 30 July - 6 August, 2015. The Hague, The Netherlands.

555 Bütikofer, R., E. Flückiger, D. Galsdorf, B. Heber, K. Herbst, C. Steigies (2015), Rapid determination of cutoff rigidities and asymptotic directions using predetermined parameters in a database, Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015). 30 July - 6 August, 2015. The Hague, The Netherlands.

556 Bütikofer, R., N. Agueda, B. Heber,D. Galsdorf, R. Vainio (2016), Assessment of Source and Transport Parameters of Relativistic SEPs Based on Neutron Monitor Data, eprint arXiv:1612.08922

557 Malandraki, O., K.-L. Klein, R. Vainio, N. Agueda, M. Nunez, B. Heber, R. Buetikofer, C. Sarlanis, N. Crosby, V. Bindi, R. Murphy, A.J. Tyka, J. Rodriguez (2016), 'HESPERIA' HORIZON 2020 project: High Energy Solar Particle Events foRecastIng and Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2016, held 17-22 April, 2016 in Vienna Austria, id. EPSC2016-14243

558 Agueda, N., R. Bütikofer, R. Vainio, B. Heber, A. Afanasiev, O.E. Malandraki (2016), Inversion of Source and Transport Parameters of Relativistic SEPs from Neutron Monitor Data, EGU General Assembly 2016, held 17-22 April, 2016 in Vienna Austria, id. EPSC2016-7147.

559 Malandraki, O., K.-L. Klein, R. Vainio, N. Agueda, M. Nunez, B. Heber, R. Buetikofer, C. Sarlanis, N. Crosby (2017), Acceleration, Transport, Forecasting and Impact of solar energetic particles in the framework of the 'HESPERIA' HORIZON 2020 project, 19th EGU General Assembly, EGU2017, proceedings from the conference held 23-28 April, 2017 in Vienna, Austria., p.16167.

560 Bütikofer, R. (2018), Cosmic Ray Particle Transport in the Earth's Magnetosphere, Solar Particle Radiation Storms Forecasting and Analysis. Series: Astrophysics and Space Science Library, ISBN: 978-3-319-60050-5. Springer International Publishing (Cham), Edited by Olga E. Malandraki and Norma B. Crosby, vol. 444, pp. 79-94

561 Bütikofer, R. (2018), Ground-Based Measurements of Energetic Particles by Neutron Monitors, Solar Particle Radiation Storms Forecasting and Analysis. Series: Astrophysics and Space Science Library, ISBN: 978-3-319-60050-5. Springer International Publishing (Cham), Edited by Olga E. Malandraki and Norma B. Crosby, vol. 444, pp. 95-111

562 Heber, B., N. Agueda, R. Bütikofer, D. Galsdorf, K. Herbst, P. Kühl, J. Labrenz, R. Vainio (2018), Inversion Methodology of Ground Level Enhancements, olar Particle Radiation Storms Forecasting and Analysis. Series: Astrophysics and Space Science Library, ISBN: 978-3-319-60050-5. Springer International Publishing (Cham), Edited by Olga E. Malandraki and Norma B. Crosby, vol. 444, pp. 179-199